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*MS-1 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Valley City Area, North Dakota, by Wilson M. Laird and Miller Hansen, 1957, 10 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area north and east of Valley City. (Approximately 4.4 meg file Save to your disk before opening)(Copies still available)
*MS-2 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Minot Area, North Dakota, by Wilson M. Laird, 1957, 12 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area south and east of Minot. (Approximately 11.6 meg file Save to your disk before opening)(Copies still available)
*MS-3 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Devils Lake Area, North Dakota, by Wilson M. Laird, 1957, 11 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area south of Devils Lake. (Approximately 4.42 meg file Save to your disk before opening)(Copies still available)
*MS-4 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Bismarck-Mandan Area, North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 19 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area south and east of Bismarck-Mandan. (Approximately 14.3 meg file Save to your disk before opening)(Copies still available)
*MS-5 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Dickinson Area, North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 18 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area south and west of Dickinson. (Approximately 4.8 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-6 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Williston Area, North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 21 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area east of Williston. (Approximately 5 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-7 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip in the Jamestown Area, North Dakotai, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 16 p., 6 pl. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area north of Jamestown.
MS-8 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip from Fargo to Valley City, North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 4 p. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area along U.S. Highway 10 from Fargo to Valley City.
MS-9 Guidebook for Geologic Field Trip from Grand Forks to Park River, North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1957, 7 p. Includes roadlog and describes geologic features of an area from Grand Forks west and north to Park River.
MS-10 Guidebook, Ninth Annual Field Conference, Midwestern Friends of the Pleistocene, by Wilson M. Laird, and others, 1958 (Repr. 1963), 114 p. Includes roadlog between Grand Forks, Minot, Harvey, Carrington, Cooperstown, Mayville, and 17 articles on glacial geology of North Dakota as well as numerous other illustrations.
*MS-11 Crabs from the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene) of North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr. and Alan Cvancara, 1958, (Repr. from Jour. of Paleontology, v. 32, p. 495-505, 74 pl.). (Approximately 2.2 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-12 Late Wisconsin Mollusca from Ice-Contact Deposits in Logan County, North Dakota, by Lee Clayton, 1961 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 15, p. 11-18).
*MS-13 Molluscan Fauna and Late Pleistocene Climate in Southeastern North Dakota, by Samuel J. Tuthill, 1961 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 15, p. 19-26). (Approximately .5 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-14 The Status of Paleontology in North Dakota, by F. D. Holland, Jr., 1961 (Repr. North Dakota acad. Sci. Proc., v. 15, p. 45-63).
MS-15 Iron-Cemented Glacial Drift in Logan County, North Dakota, by John W. Bonneville, 1961 (Repr. North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 15, p. 5-11).
MS-16 Ground Water, A Vital North Dakota Resource by Q. F. Paulson, 1962, 25 p., 1 pl. (1:1,000,000). A non-technical discussion of the occurrence and availability of groundwater, types of wells, and quality of water in North Dakota. It reviews previous ground water studies and outlines how a groundwater study is made.
*MS-17 Selected Devonian Possibilities in North Dakota, by Sidney B. Anderson, 1963 (Repr. from Oil and Gas Jour., Aug. 12, 1963).
MS-18 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1963, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1963, 14 p.
MS-19 Geology Along the Portal Pipe Line, Lake Agassiz Plain, by T. F. Freers and C. G. Carlson, 1963 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 17, p. 86-95). Describes exposures made during excavation of the pipe-line trench from near Larimore, North Dakota, to a point east of Crookston, Minnesota.
MS-20 Molluscan Fossils from Upper Glacial Lake Agassiz Sediment in Red Lake County, Minnesota, by S. J. Tuthill, 1963 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 17, p. 96- 101).
MS-21 Late Pleistocene Fish from Lake Sediments in Sheridan County, North Dakota, by Neil Sherrod, 1963 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 17, p. 32-36).
*MS-22 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1964, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1964, 12 p.
*MS-23 Lignite in North Dakota, by Miller Hansen, 1964, 5 p. A non-technical review of lignite in North Dakota. (Approximately .3 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-24 Study of the Spoil Banks Associated with Lignite Strip Mining in North Dakota, by Clarence G. Carlson and Wilson M. Laird, 1964, 28 p. A review of the history of lignite mining, areas affected by strip mining, and recommendations regarding future practices. (Approximately 33 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-25 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1965, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1965, 14 p.
*MS-26 Potash in North Dakota, by C. G. Carlson and S. B. Anderson, 1965, 12 p.
MS-27 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1966, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1966, 12 p.
*MS-28 Sedimentary and Tectonic History of North Dakota Part of Williston Basin, by C. G. Carlson and S. B. Anderson, 1966 (Repr. 1970) (Repr. from Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, no. 11, p. 1833-1846). (Approximately 1.2 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-29 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1967, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1967, 16 p. (Approximately .8 meg file Save to your disk before opening)(Copies still available)
MS-30 Glacial Geology of the Missouri Coteau and Adjacent Areas, edited by Lee Clayton and Theodore Freers, 1967, 226 p. Prepared for the 18th Annual Midwestern Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference. Includes roadlog between Bismarck and Jamestown and 17 papers on glacial geology in North Dakota.
MS-31 Popular Geology of Eddy and Foster Counties, North Dakota, by John P. Bluemle, 1967, 24 p., 2 pl. (1:125,000). Includes two roadlogs, one in each county, that describe typical geologic features.
*MS-32 The Dahlen Esker of Grand For04-Feb-2015>, 1966 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 20, p. 119-124). (Approximately 4.6 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-33 Ice-Thrust Bedrock in Northwest Cavalier County, North Dakota, by John P. Bluemle, 1966 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 20, p. 112-118). Describes characteristics of ice-thrust bedrock that was observed in a freshly excavated missile site. (Approximately 3.2 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-34 Cross Section of Paleozoic Rocks of Western North Dakota, by Clarence G. Carlson, 1967 (Repr. from Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Cross Section Publication 5 þ Stratigraphic Cross Section of Paleozoic Rocks-Oklahoma to Saskatchewan. p. 13-15). Includes three pages of text concerning the stratigraphy, geologic his- tory, and oil and gas occurrences.
*MS-35 The Flood Problem in Grand Forks-East Grand Forks, by Samuel S. Harrison, 1968, 42 p., 1 pl. (1:14,400). Superseded by ED-12.
MS-36 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1968, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1968, 15 p.
*MS-37 Meteorites in North Dakota þ A Guide to Their Recognition, by Frank R. Karner, 1968, 8 p. (Approximately 6.5 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-38 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1969, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1969, 15 p.
MS-39 Geology of Northeastern North Dakota, edited by Darryll T. Pederson and John R. Reid, 1969, 30 p. A non-technical guidebook and roadlog to Walsh, Nelson, and Grand Forks Counties; prepared for the NAGT conference.
*MS-40 Geologic Field Trip from Grand Forks, North Dakota, to Kenora, Ontario, by Mary E. Bluemle, 1969, 15 p.
MS-41 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1970, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1970, 9 p.
MS-42 Guide to the Geology of Burleigh County, North Dakota, by John P. Bluemle and Jack Kume, 1970, 36 p. 1 pl. (1:250,000). Includes four roadlogs and a full-color geologic map.
MS-43 A Sedimentologic Analysis of the Tongue River- Sentinel Butte Interval (Paleocene) of the Williston Basin, Western North Dakota, by Chester F. Royse, Jr., 1971 (Repr. from Sedimentary Geology, v. 4, 1970, p. 19-80). $5.00.
MS-44 Subsurface Geology and Foundation Conditions in Grand Forks, North Dakota, by Stephen R. Moran, 1972, 18 p., 2 pl. (1:48,000). A non- technical review of the position, composition, origin, and engineering properties of sediments that underlie Grand Forks.
*MS-45 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1971, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1971, 10 p.
*MS-46 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1972, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1972, 10 p.
MS-47 Newburg-South Westhope Oil Fields, North Dakota, by Hussein Marafi, 1983, (Repr. from Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Memoir no. 16, 1972), 8 p. $1.00.
*MS-48 Environmental Geology and North Dakota, by B. Michael Arndt, 1972, 13 p. A non-technical discussion of geology in land use planning. (Approximately 14.5 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-49 Annotated Bibliography of the Geology of North Dakota 1806-1959, by Mary Woods Scott, 1972, 132 p. $3.00.
*MS-50 MS Sup Depositional Environments of the Lignite- Bearing Strata in Western North Dakota, edited by F. T. C. Ting, 1972, 134p. Prepared for the G.S.A. Coal Geology Division annual field trip. Contains a roadlog and 9 papers. (Approximately 28.7 meg file and Supplement 1.5 meg Save to your disk before opening)
*MS-51 North Dakota Crude Oil Inventory as of January 1, 1973, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1973, 12 p.(Approximately .8 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-52 Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Red River Valley, North Dakota and Minnesota, by Kenneth L. Harris, Stephen R. Moran, and Lee Clayton, 1974, 47 p. $2.00.
MS-53 Catalog of North Dakota Radiocarbon Dates, by Stephen R. Moran, Lee Clayton, Mary W. Scott, and John A. Brophy, 1973, 51 p. $2.00.
MS-54 Stratigraphy, Origin, and Climatic Implications of Late Quaternary Upland Silt in North Dakota, by Lee Clayton, S. R. Moran, and W. B. Bickley, Jr., 1976, 15 p. $1.00.
MS-55 Development of a Pre-Mining Geological Framework for Landscape Design Reclamation in North Dakota, by Stephen R. Moran, Gerald H. Groenewold, Leroy Hemish, and Curtis Anderson, 1976 (Repr. from Proceedings of the Fort Union Coal Field Symposium, v. 3, Reclamation Section, p. 308-316: Montana Acad. Sci.). $1.00.
MS-56 Type and Reference Sections for a New Member of the Fox Hills Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) in the Missouri Valley Region, North And South Dakota, by Mark C. Klett and J. Mark Erickson, 1977 (Repr. from North Dakota Acad. Sci, Proc., v. 28, Part II, p. 3- 24). Describes the characteristics and paleontology of the Linton Member. $1.00.
MS-57Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin, by Lee C. Gerhard and Sidney B. Anderson, 1979, 19 p. A non- technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, regulatory trends, and a look at the future.
MS-58 A History of the North Dakota Geological Survey, by Clarence B. Folsom, Jr., 1980, 51 p. $2.00.
MS-59 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1980 Update, by Lee C. Gerhard and Sidney B. Anderson, 1981, 19 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, regulatory trends, and a look at the future.
MS-60 Annotated Bibliography of the Geology of North Dakota, 1960-1979, by Mary Woods Scott, 1981, 287 p. $3.00.
MS-61 Williston Basin Stratigraphic Nomenclature Chart, by John P. Bluemle, Sidney B. Anderson, and Clarence G. Carlson, 1981. Full-color chart consisting of 15 correlation columns from various places in the Williston Basin. Includes a column scaled according to time to give a better idea of which geologic systems are best represented in North Dakota. Measures 23" x 35". $3.00.
MS-62 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1981 Update, by Sidney B. Anderson and John P. Bluemle, 1982, 30 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1981. $3.00.
MS-63 Geological Development, Origin, and Energy Mineral Resources of the Williston Basin, North Dakota, by Lee C. Gerhard, Sidney B. Anderson, Julie A. LeFever, and C. G. Carlson, 1982 (Repr. from Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 66, no. 8, p. 989-1020).$2.00.
MS-64 Production Performance Curves of Selected North Dakota Oil Fields, by Marvin E. Rygh, 1983, 76 p. A folio of performance curves for 75 North Dakota oil fields, detailing monthly oil production, cumulative oil production, cumulative water production, and the number of producing wells. Most of the curves also include average reservoir pressures and gas-oil ratios. $2.00.
MS-65 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1982-1983 Update, by Sidney B. Anderson and John P. Bluemle, 1985, 34 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1982 and 1983. $3.00.
MS-66 North Dakota Stratigraphic Column, No longer in print please refer to MS-91.
MS-67 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1984-1985 Update, by David W. Fischer and John P. Bluemle, 1986, 40 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1984 and 1985. $3.00.
*MS-68 A Synoptic Overview of Winnipegosis Pinnacle Reefs in North Dakota, by David W. Fischer and Randolph B. Burke, 1987, 17 p. $1.00. (Approximately 9.9 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-69 Core Workshop Volume - Fifth International Williston Basin Symposium, edited by David W. Fischer, 1987, 113 p. Prepared for a core workshop held at the Wilson M. Laird Core Library in June, 1987; includes 4 papers. $5.00.
MS-70 An Overview of Dolphin Field, Divide County, North Dakota, by Thomas J. Heck, 1988, 14 p. $1.00.
MS-71 Leachate Generated by an Oil-and-Gas Brine Pond Site in North Dakota, by Edward C. Murphy, Alan E. Kehew, Gerald H. Groenewold, and William A. Beal, 1988 (Repr. from Ground Water, January-February 1988, vol. 26, no. 1, p. 31-38). $1.00.
MS-72 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1986-1987 Update, by David W. Fischer and John P. Bluemle, 1988, 36 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1986 and 1987. $3.00.
MS-73 Mississippian Correlation Cross Section, Southwestern to North-Central North Dakota, by Julie A. LeFever and Sidney B. Anderson, 1989, 2 pl. Cross section incorporating 46 wells along the eastern margin of the Williston Basin from Stark County to Bottineau County. $3.00.
MS-74 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1988-1989 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 1990, 22 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1988 and 1989. $3.00.
MS-75 Radiocarbon Dating of Beaches and Outlets of Devils Lake, by John P. Bluemle, 1991, 10 p. A study of lake outlets and beaches along the north shore of Devils Lake, documentating natural lake level fluctuations. $1.00.
MS-76 Proceedings of the F. D. Holland, Jr. Geological Symposium, edited by J. Mark Erickson and John W. Hoganson, 1992, 318 p. Includes 16 papers on various topics of geological interest in North Dakota that were delivered at a symposium on April 14, 1989 at the University of North Dakota. $5.00. (Approximately 109 meg file Save to your disk before opening)
MS-77 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin, by Thomas J. Heck, 1992, 26 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1990 and 1991. $3.00.
MS-78 Permian to Jurassic Redbeds of the Williston Basin, by C. G. Carlson, 1993, 21 p. 2 pl. $3.00.
MS-79 North Dakota Clays - A Historical Review of Clay Utilization in North Dakota, by Edward C. Murphy, 1995, 18 p. $2.00.
MS-80 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1992-1993 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 1995, 23 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1992 and 1993. $3.00.
MS-81 The First 100 Years: The History of the North Dakota Geological Survey 1895-1995, by John P. Bluemle, 1996, 131 p. Compiled in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the North Dakota Geological Survey, this report details the history of the Survey and its changing duties over the years. In addition to the chronology of geologic study in North Dakota, the volume includes numerous anecdotes and background relating to the times. $5.00.
MS-82 Quaternary Geology of Southern Lake Agassiz Basin Guidebook, by Kenneth Harris, Mark Luther, and John Reid, 1996, 165 p. The guidebook for the 43rd Annual Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene Meeting held May 31-June 3, 1996. The document contains roadlogs and details about Quaternary features in northeastern North Dakota. $10.00.
MS-83 Bibliography of the Geology of North Dakota: 1980-1993, by Larry Greenwood, Thomas J. Heck, Robert F. Biek, and John P. Bluemle, 1996, 370 p. The bibliography contains an alphabetical author index, containing all the necessary data to locate the paper, for all the available references that applied to the geology of North Dakota during the period 1980-1993. It also contains a subject index that refers users to the citations that address a particular topic. $10.00.
MS-84 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1994-1995 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 1996, 26 p. This publication is the most recent in a series extending back to 1979 that reviews the oil industry activity and discoveries. Each issue in the series gives a short historical review of the of the 1980's and 1990's but focuses on the events during the most recent two-year period. $3.00MS-85 Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1996-1997 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 1998, 27 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1996 and 1997. $3.00.
MS-86 The Geology of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Billings and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota, by Robert F. Biek and Mark A. Gonzalez, 2001, 74 p., 2 maps (1:24,000 scale). A non-technical report describing the formation of the Little Missouri Badlands and the types of rocks, landforms, fossils, and geologic features found with the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The report contains over 70 color photographs and illustrations. $15.00
MS-87 Fossil Lake Wannagan (Paleocene:Tiffanian), Billings County, North Dakota, by Bruce R. Erickson, 1999, 9p. Fossil Lake Wannagan is a new name for a local freshwater lake of undetermined size that existed as part of a floodplain system during the Late Paleocene. $2.00MS-88 Oil Exploration and Development in North Dakota Williston Basin: 1998-1999 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 2000, A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1998 and 1999. $4.00
MS-89 The 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oil in North Dakota, by John P. Bluemle, 2001, 58 p. A report consisting of a variety of writings and anecdotes, many of them dating to about the time the Clarence Iverson #1 Well was drilled in 1951 and 1952. $3.00
MS-90 Oil Exploration and Development in North Dakota Williston Basin: 2000-2001 Update, by Thomas J. Heck, 2002, A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 2000 and 2001. $3.00
MS-91 North Dakota Stratigraphic Column, by Edward C. Murphy, Stephan H. Nordeng, Bruce J. Juenker, and John W. Hoganson, 2009, 1 pl. The stratigraphic column is a 36 inch by 24 inch full-color poster that shows all North Dakota Williston Basin geologic units. $5.00.
MS-92 Manz, L.A., 2014, Catalog of North Dakota Radiocarbon Dates: North Dakota Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Series No. 92. This publication is a compilation of approximately 270 archaeological and geologic radiocarbon dates for North Dakota. The data is presented in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, accompanied by site maps, explanatory text and an extensive bibliography. MS-92 is a revised and updated version of the original Catalog of North Dakota Radiocarbon Dates (MS-53) published by the North Dakota Geological Survey in 1973. CD $5.
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