

Department of Mineral Resources West Conference Room
1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota

  1. Call to Order- Ryan Kopseng, Chairman
  2. Introduction of New Council Member - Darren Schmidt
  3. Election of Vice Chairman (Jeff Kummer previously served as Vice Chairman)
  4. Pipeline Study Phase III: Emerging Technology and Risk Assessment; Final Report (Contract 043-084), Energy and Environmental Research Center, Jay Almlie -
  5. Intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE) Update - (Contract G- 046-088) - Energy and Environmental Research Center, Jay Almlie -
  6. Oil and Gas Research Program Financial Report: Karlene Fine -
  7. Consideration of Grant Round 48 Application:
    1. G-048-03: "Energy of North Dakota" North Dakota Petroleum Foundation; Principal Investigator: Kristen Hamman; Project Duration: 21 months; Total Project Cost $1,094,000; Request for: $490,000 -
    2. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
  8. Nanoparticle-Surfactant EOR Progress Report (Contract 041-081) Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of North Dakota, Dr. Hui Pu. -
  9. Pipeline Authority Presentation - Justin Kringstad -
  10. Bakken Production Optimization Program 2.0 Status Update (Contract 040-080) - Energy and Environmental Research Center, John Harju -
  11. Administration:
    1. Schedule- Industrial Commission Meeting - January 18, 2019
    2. Next Grant Round Deadline – June 1, 2019
  12. Adjournment

mission statement

The Mission of the Oil and Gas Research Council is to promote the growth of the oil and gas industry through research and education.

latest news

The Oil and Gas Council Meeting will be held on January 24th from 1:30pm-4:30pm at the DMR Conference Room 1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota.... More news

next OGRP meeting

Friday, January 24, 2025  1:30pm-4:30pm

The OGRP Council Meeting will be held in the DMR Conference Room. 

Microsoft Teams
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1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota
Click here for full agenda


Call 701.328.3722 or email to ndicinfo@nd.gov