

Department of Mineral Resources West Board Room
1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, ND

  1. Call to Order - Ryan Kopseng
  2. Pipeline Authority Presentation - Justin Kringstad
  3. Bakken Production Optimization Program 2.0 Status Update - Energy and Environmental Research Center, John Harju -
  4. Request for funding reallocations of Contract G-028-058 -"Public Private Partnership to Support Geology and Geological Engineering Education and Research at UND's College of Engineering and Mines & Program" and additional OGRP funding of $235,000 for proposed research projects to be conducted by UND Ph.D. students - Dr. Vamegh Rasouli, Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of North Dakota -
  5. Oil and Gas Research Program Financial Report and Consideration of recommendation for Oil and Gas Research Fund allocations for the 2017-2019 biennium; Karlene Fine -
  6. Consideration of Grant Round 45/46 Applications:
    1. G-045-01: “Conceptual Design for Chlor-Alkali and Valuable Materials Production from Oilfield Brine” Barr Engineering Co.; Principal Investigator: Dr. Scott Korom; Project Duration: 12 months; Total Project Cost $220,000; Request for: $110,000 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers’ Ratings/Comments and Applicant’s Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
    2. G-045-03: "Unitized Legacy Oil Fields: Prototypes for Revitalizing Conventional OilFields in North Dakota": Eagle Energy Partners I, LLC (EEIP); Principal Investigator: Pat Nicodemus; Project Duration 36 Months; Total Project Cost: $6,000,000; Request for: $3,000,000 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
    3. G-045-08: "Solar Powered Electrokinetic Soil Desalinization"; Terran Corporation/Oasis Petroleum; Principal Investigator: Christopher Athmer; Project Duration: 36 months; Total Project Cost $346,120; Request for: $149,960 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
    4. G-046-01: "intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE)" Hess Corporation, Statoil ASA, Oasis Midstream Partners; Principal Investigators: Brent Lohnes, Linda Pitman, and Tone Macia; Project Duration: 44 months; Total Project Cost $3,714,000; Request for: $1,600,000 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. - OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
  7. EERC Final Report -"Improved Characterization and Modeling of Tight Oil Formation for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential and Storage Capacity Estimation" - John Harju -
  8. Final Report "Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Mule Deer Populations in Western North Dakota" submitted by North Dakota Game and Fish – Jesse Kollar
  9. Administration:
    1. Council Members - Expiring Terms
    2. Schedule - Industrial Commission Meeting - May 17, 2018 (tentative)
    3. Next Grant Round Deadline - June 1, 2018
    4. Next OGRC Meeting - August 20, 2018
  10. Adjournment

mission statement

The Mission of the Oil and Gas Research Council is to promote the growth of the oil and gas industry through research and education.

latest news

The Oil and Gas Council Meeting will be held on January 24th from 1:30pm-4:30pm at the DMR Conference Room 1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota.... More news

next OGRP meeting

Friday, January 24, 2025  1:30pm-4:30pm

The OGRP Council Meeting will be held in the DMR Conference Room. 

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1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota
Click here for full agenda


Call 701.328.3722 or email to ndicinfo@nd.gov