

11:00 AM
DMR West Conference Room
1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota

  1. Call to Order - Ron Anderson, Chairman
  2. Report on 2015 Legislative Actions as they relate to the Oil and Gas Research Council - Ron Ness, Petroleum Council -
  3. Consideration of EERC's Scope of Work for HB 1358 Section 8 Study regarding pipelines and OGRC's recommendation to the Industrial Commission - John Harju, EERC (Attachment 2) -
    1. Comments/Discussion with invited legislators
    2. Questions/Discussion with Oil and Gas Research Council members
  4. Presentation on plan for implementation of the Pilot Program to determine best techniques for remediating salt and any other contamination from the soil surrounding waste pits reclaimed by trenching between 1951 and 1984 in the north central portion of the state as outlined in House Bill 1358 Section 9 as further amended in House Bill 1014 Section 11. -
    1. HB1358-1014 Timeline -
  5. Presentation by the EERC on the North Dakota Industrial Commission Resource Characterization Project. (This project was approved by the Industrial Commission subsequent to the Council's last meeting.) - John Harju -
  6. Presentation by the EERC on the Determine the Uniqueness of Three Forks Bench Reserves, Determine Optimal Well Density in the Bakken and Optimize Bakken Production (Bakken Optimization Project) - John Harju (Attachment 5) -
  7. Oil and Gas Research Fund Financial Report and Consideration of recommendation for Oil and Gas Research Fund allocations for the 2015-2017 biennium - Karlene Fine -
  8. Pipeline Authority Update - Justin Kringstad -
  9. Consideration of Grant Round 35 Research Application:
    1. G-035-02: "Recycled Drill Cuttings Beneficial Reuse Demonstration Projects"; Submitted Nuverra Environmental Solutions; Principal Investigator: David Johnson; Project Duration: 12 months; Total Project Costs: $1,523,384; Request for: $759,860 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
      4. Applicant's Responses to Technical Reviewer Comments -
  10. Administration:
    1. Schedule - Industrial Commission Meeting - June 10, 2015
    2. Next Grant Round Deadline - June 1, 2015
    3. Next OGRC Meeting - August, 2015
  11. Adjournment

mission statement

The Mission of the Oil and Gas Research Council is to promote the growth of the oil and gas industry through research and education.

latest news

The Oil and Gas Council Meeting will be held on January 24th from 1:30pm-4:30pm at the DMR Conference Room 1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota.... More news

next OGRP meeting

Friday, January 24, 2025  1:30pm-4:30pm

The OGRP Council Meeting will be held in the DMR Conference Room. 

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1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota
Click here for full agenda


Call 701.328.3722 or email to ndicinfo@nd.gov