

Department of Mineral Resources West Conference Room
1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota

  1. Call to Order - Ryan Kopseng, Vice Chair
  2. Oil and Gas Research Program Financial Report - Karlene Fine -
  3. Pipeline Authority Activities Update - Justin Kringstad --
  4. Consideration of Grant Round 39 Research Applications:
    1. -A. G-039-04: Expansion of EERC's Gathering Pipeline Leak Detection Demonstration Project; Submitted by Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC); Principal Investigator: Jay Almlie; Project Duration: 15 months; Total Project Cost $248,559; Request for: $248,559 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. - Applicant's Presentation --
    2. B. G-039-02: New Technologies for Safe and Cost Effective Oil Conditioning in North Dakota; Submitted by Statoil; Principal Investigator: Darren Schmidt; Project Duration: 1 year; Total Project Cost $400,000; Request for: $200,000 -
      1. Technical Peer Reviewers' Ratings/Comments and Applicant's Response -
      2. OGRP Director's Presentation and Recommendation - Brent Brannan -
      3. Applicant's Presentation -
  5. Presentation by John Harju, EERC - Bakken Optimization Program - Interim Report --
  6. Presentation by Jay Almlie, EERC - Pilot Project to Remediate Soil Surrounding Legacy Brine Pits - Interim Report & Request for Additional Funding --
  7. Presentation by Nancy Hodur, North Dakota State University - Assessment of the Oil and Gas Industry Workforce Characteristics - Final Report --
  8. Administration:
    1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
    2. Schedule - Industrial Commission Meeting - May 23, 2016
    3. Next Grant Round Deadline - Nov. 1, 2016
    4. Next OGRC Meeting - Week of December XXXX?
  9. Adjournment

mission statement

The Mission of the Oil and Gas Research Council is to promote the growth of the oil and gas industry through research and education.

latest news

The Oil and Gas Council Meeting will be held on January 24th from 1:30pm-4:30pm at the DMR Conference Room 1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota.... More news

next OGRP meeting

Friday, January 24, 2025  1:30pm-4:30pm

The OGRP Council Meeting will be held in the DMR Conference Room. 

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1000 East Calgary, Bismarck, North Dakota
Click here for full agenda


Call 701.328.3722 or email to ndicinfo@nd.gov