[nd.gov - The Official Portal for North Dakota State Government]

Basic Subscription Services

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How to Subscribe

This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF fill-in form that contains the instructions on page one, and the sign-up form on page two. If you have further questions about this service, please contact us at (701) 328-8020.

Interactive Map Tool

In the GIS map server, when features of the active layer are identified, general details about those features are displayed in the bottom center frame of the web page.

Well Data

This section contains a complete index of all wells permitted in North Dakota in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet saved with Zip compression. The scout ticket data contains basic well information, log tops, completion data, initial production tests, cumulative production and injection volumes, and drill stem test recoveries. The well files are scanned into Adobe PDF documents that include all forms, letters, geological reports, drill stem test reports, core analysis reports, and other miscellaneous information. All well files are available, except for confidential wells or confidential information.

Production and Injection Volumes

Production and injection histories are available on a well, unit or field-pool basis. They are displayed in a table format with the most current data displayed at the top of the table.

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