GI-1 Dickinson geology, a guide to the geology, mineral resources, and geologic hazards of the Dickinson area, by R.F. Biek and E.C. Murphy, 1997, 76 p. A general report on the surface geology and mineral deposits in the Dickinson area. The report contains a geologic map and roadlog of the Dickinson area. $5.00
GI-2 Log-to-Core Cross-Sections, Middle Member Bakken Formation, North Dakota, by Julie A. LeFever and Richard D. LeFever, 2004. This 69½“ x 35" poster contains log and core photo correlations of the Middle Member Bakken Formation through western North Dakota. $15.00
GI-3 Geology of the Bismarck-Mandan Area, by Edward C. Murphy and Gerald H. Groenewold, 2004. Colored 35" x 23" poster. The geology is draped over a shaded relief background to demonstrate the relationship between topography and geology. There are also photos of major geologic units, along with lithologic descriptions to make it easier for people to identify these rock units in the field. $5.00
GI-4 Bakken Middle Member Core Workshop, by Julie A. LeFever, 2004. A CD containing course notes, illustrations, well logs, and well information for the workshop held in Denver. $5.00
GI-5 Geology of the Jamestown Area, by Lorraine A. Manz, 2004. Colored 35" x 23" poster. The geology is draped over a shaded relief background to demonstrate the relationship between topography and geology. There are also photos of major geologic units, along with lithologic descriptions to make it easier for people to identify these rock units in the field. $5.00
GI-6 Evolving Birdbear (Nisku) play in North Dakota, by Randolph B. Burke, 2005. This report is presented in a poster format that includes an activity map, geophysical log cross section, representative geophysical logs and photographs of core samples from the producing horizon. $10.00
GI-7 Evolving Mississippian Ratcliffe and Mission Canyon plays in North Dakota, by Randolph B. Burke, 2005. Presented in a poster format, this report is intended as an introduction to these separate new plays in the Madison of North Dakota. An activity map, geophysical log cross section, representative geophysical logs and core photographs are used to accomplish this. $10.00
GI-8 Middle Member Bakken play in North Dakota, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. An informational poster on the Bakken Formation. $10.00
GI-9a Potential Deep Geothermal Wells in the Trenton Area, Williams and McKenzie Counties - Madison Group, by Lorraine A. Manz, 2005. The map is a compilation of oil well data depicting bottom hole temperature and total well depth. $5.00
GI-10 Geology of the Dickinson area, by Edward C. Murphy and Robert F. Biek, 2005. The surface geology has been draped over a shaded relief background to demonstrate the close relationship between topography and surface geology in this area. Presented on either side of the map are photographs and descriptions of the major geologic units and mineral resources in the area. $5.00
GI-11a Unitized Pool Reservoir Characteristics, by Randolph B. Burke, 2005. Spreadsheet format. Available on-line, only.
GI-11b Explanation to the CO2 Spreadsheet, by Randolph B. Burke, 2005. Available on-line, only.
GI-12 Geology of the Fargo North Quadrangle, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. The geology depicted on this map represents the surficial and near-surface geology of the Fargo North Quadrangle. $10.00
GI-13 Geology of the Grand Forks Quadrangle, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. The geology depicted on this map represents the surficial and near-surface geology of the Grand Forks Quadrangle. $10.00
GI-14 Williston Basin Correlation - Bakken Formation, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. This poster relates terminology used for the producing portion of the Bakken Formation in Canada with the United States portion of the Williston Basin. $15.00
GI-15 Hydrocarbon Potential of the Bakken Formation, North Dakota, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-16 Middle Bakken Play - Technical Problems and Questions - Possible Solutions, by Lynn D. Helms and Julie A. LeFever, 2005. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-17 Overview of Bakken Stratigraphy in North Dakota and "Mini" Core Workshop, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. Available on-line only.
GI-18 Horizontal Drilling Potential of the Middle Member Bakken Formation, North Dakota, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. Powerpoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-19 Overview of Bakken Stratigraphy and "Mini-Core" Workshop, by Julie A. LeFever, 2005. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-20 The Upper Birdbear (Nisku) of Western North Dakota: Another Emerging Williston Basin Horizontal Play, by Tom Sperr and Randolph B. Burke, 2005. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-21 Evaluation of Oil Reservoir Characteristics to Assess ND Carbon Dioxide Miscible Flooding Potential, by Ralph Nelms and Randolph B. Burke, 2004. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.
GI-22A Cement Rock Mineral Resources of the Shawnee-McCanna Area, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. Surficial Geologic Map, 1:24,000. $5.00
GI-22B Cement Rock Mineral Resources of the Shawnee-McCanna Area, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. Bedrock Geologic Map, 1:24,000. $5.00
GI-22C Cement Rock Mineral Resources of the Shawnee-McCanna Area, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. Mineral Extraction and Planning Map, 1:24,000. $5.00
GI-22D Cement Rock Mineral Resources of the Shawnee-McCanna Area, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. Available Core Summary. Poster sized sheet with lithologic, paleontologic and geochemical data displayed from Niobrara Formation. This publication is available as an individual item or as a collection (GI-22A-E) of traditional paper map products or as digital GIS data files. $15.00
GI-22E Cement Rock Mineral Resources of the Shawnee-McCanna Area, North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2005. Geologic Cross Sections. $3.00
GI-23 Geology of the Devils Lake Area, by Lorraine A Manz, 2005. This 23" x 35" poster features a 1:48,000-scale geologic map draped over a shaded relief background. Also included are photographs and descriptions of geologic features and geologic hazards. $5.00
GI-24 Quaternary geology of the Missouri River Valley and adjacent areas in northwest-central North Dakota: North Dakota by Manz, L.A., editor, 2006, Available in book form ($15.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-25 Shallow gas occurrences in Quaternary deposits in North Dakota by Anderson, F.J., Murphy, E.C., Bluemle, J.P., and Fischer, D.W., 2006, poster. Price $20.00.GI-26 Assessment of potential natural gas resources in North Dakota by Anderson, F.J., 2006, poster. Price $10.00.
GI-27 Ice-walled lake plains in North Dakota by Manz, L.A., 2006, poster. Price $15.00.GI-28 Historical Shallow Natural Gas Occurrences in Wells in Bottineau County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in poster format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-29 Shallow Gas Field Screening in Emmons County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-30 Shallow Gas Field Screening in Southeastern Steele County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-31 Preliminary Structure Contour Map on the Cretaceous Greenhorn Formation in North Dakota 2007, 1:1,000,000 scale map. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-32 Assessment of the Shallow Natural Gas Resource Potential of North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.(Right click and save to your drive)
GI-33 History, Geology, and Potential Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Natural Gas Occurrence and Production from Quaternary Glacial Drift and Upper-Cretaceous Sedimentary Bedrock in North-Central North Dakota, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., Shurr, G.W, and Fischer, D.W., 2006. PowerPoint presentation. Available on-line only.(Right click and save to your drive)
GI-34 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Stutsman County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-35 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Rolette County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-36 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Towner County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-37 Preliminary Structure Contour Map on Top of the Creataceous Mowry Formation in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Juenker, B.J., 2006. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-38 Preliminary Structure Contour Map on the Creataceous Inyan Kara Formation in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Juenker, B.J., 2006. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.GI-39 Landslide Inventory Map and Surficial Geology of the Valley City Area, North Dakota: North Dakota
Geological Survey Anderson, Fred J., 2007, Price $10.00, CD $5.00.GI-40 Uranium Deposits in Southwestern North Dakota: Murphy, Edward C., 2007, Price $5.00.
GI-41 Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of Recent Ratcliffe (Mississippian, Charles Fm) Production in Western North Dakota: Nordeng, Stephan H., 2007. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-42 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. PowerPoint presentation given at the 2007 Geological Society of America Joint North Central/South Central Section Meeting in Lawrence, Kansas. Slides available on-line.(Right click and save to your drive). Slides and Notes Pages (slides with text narrative) available on CD ($5.00).
GI-43 Precambrian Basement Drillhole Map of North Dakota: Anderson, Fred J., 2007,Price $10.00.
GI-44 Preliminary Isopach Map on the Cretaceous Greenhorn-Mowry Formation Interval in North Dakota: Anderson, Fred J. and Juenker, Bruce, J., 2007. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-45 Bakken Middle Member lithofacies 3:LeFever, Julie A., 2007, 6 maps in series. Available in paper map format ($10.00) per map and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open. sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 sheet 4 sheet 5 sheet 6GI-46 Geology of the Minot area: Anderson, Fred J. and Manz, Lorraine, A., 2007, Price $5.00.
GI-47 Preliminary Isopach Map on the Cretaceous Mowry – Inyan Kara Formation Interval in North Dakota: Anderson, Fred J. and Juenker, Bruce, J., 2007. Available in paper map format. Price ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-48 Stratigraphic cross-section of Ratcliffe Interval through the Foreman Butte Field using neutron-density logs with the distribution of moveable hydrocarbons and water saturation: Nordeng, Stephan, H., 2007. Available in CD format ($5.00)
GI-49 Exploration frontiers in the Bakken Formation, Montana and North Dakota: LeFever, Julie A., 2007. Powerpoint presentation available online only.
GI-50 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Burleigh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-51 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Ward County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-52 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in McHenry County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-53 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Kidder County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-54 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Barnes County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-55 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Morton County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-56 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in LaMoure County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-57 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Pierce County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-58 Historical Shallow Natural Gas Occurrences in Cretaceous and Tertiary Aquifer in West-Central North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008, online only.
GI-59 Structural Contour and Isopach Maps of the Bakken Formation in North Dakota: by LeFever, Julie A., 2008, 5 map series. Available in paper format ($10.00) per map and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open. Additional sheet 1 Additional sheet 2 Additional sheet 3 Additional sheet 4 Additional sheet 5
GI-60 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Selected Wells in Burleigh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-61 Time-Temperature Index of the Bakken Formation in North Dakota: Nordeng, Stephan H., 2008. Available in paper format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-62 The Bakken Revisited 2008 Bakken Core Workshop: LeFever, Julie A. and Nordeng, Stephan H., 2008. Available on CD ($15.00)
GI-63 Rock-Eval Data of the Bakken Formation: LeFever, Julie A., 2008, 6 map series. Available in paper format ($10.00) per map and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
GI-64 Isopach of the Three Forks Formation: LeFever, Julie A., 2008. Available in paper format ($10.00) and on CD for ($5.00 for a 300 dots per inch pdf or $25.00 for both pdf and shape files), shape files require GIS software to open.GI-65 Correlation Cross Section – Three Forks Formation: LeFever, Julie A. and Nordeng, Stephan H., 2008, Available in paper format for ($15.00) or CD ($5.00).
GI-66 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Sheridan County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-67 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Logan County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-68 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Benson County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-69 Deep Geothermal Resources: Estimated Temperature on Top of the Lodgepole Formation Cedar Hills field, Bowman and Slope Counties, ND, Manz, Lorraine A., 2008. Available in paper map format ($15.00) or on CD with pdf and shape files for ($25.00), shape files require GIS software to open.GI-70 Lineament Mapping and Analysis in the Northeastern Williston Basin of North Dakota, Anderson, F.J., 2008. Available in paper map format ($15.00) or on CD as pdf ($5.00) or on CD as shape files for ($25.00), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-71 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. Available in paper format ($25.00) and on CD ($5.00)
GI-72 Shallow Gas Exploration and Production in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. PowerPoint presentation given at the 2008 Rocky Mountain Unconventional Gas Conference in Rapid City, SD. Available on-line only. (Right click and save to your drive)
GI-73 Locations of FID Shallow Gas Occurrences in Selected Counties in North Dakota: by Anderson, F. J., 2008. 1:50,000 scale, available in paper map format ($15.00) or CD ($5.00)
GI-74 Shallow Gas Field Screening in North Dakota: Field Data Report for Selected Counties: by Anderson, F.J., 2009 Available Online or on CD ($5.00).
GI-75 – Three Forks Formation Log to Core Correlation: by Julie A. LeFever and Stephan H. Nordeng, 2009.
Available in paper format ($15.00 ) or CD ($5.00).GI-76 - The Three Forks Formation - North Dakota to Sinclair Field, Manitoba: Julie A. LeFever and Stephan H. Nordeng $15.00 paper poster, $5.00 CD
GI-77 Lineament Density and Generalized Well Production in the Parshall Area, North Dakota, Anderson, F.J., 2009. Available in paper map format ($10.00) or on CD as pdf ($5.00) or on CD as shape files for ($25.00), shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-78 Salts as candidates for air storage in the Williston Basin: by Nordeng, S.H., 2009 Available on CD ($5.00)
GI-79 Organic geochemical patterns in the Bakken Source System: by Nordeng, S.H. And LeFever, J.A., 2009 Available in paper map format ($15.00) or CD ($5.00)
GI-80 Lineament mapping and analysis in the northeastern Williston Basin: exploration and production trends in the Parshall area, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2009. Available online to download or $5.00 cd
GI-81 A 3D geologic model of the Parshall area, North Dakota: by Helms, L.D., Nordeng, S.H., LeFever, J.A., Anderson, F.J., 2009. Available on CD ($25.00)
GI-82 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Griggs County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.H., 2009, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-83 Potential Shallow Gas Sands & Gravels - Griggs & Steele Counties, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2009, Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-84 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Mercer County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2009. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-85 Depth to Precambrian Basement Rock in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2009, 1:750,000 scale map. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00). CD version includes: GIS shape files of contours, well locations, depth data, and supporting metadata. Note: GIS shape files require GIS software to open.
GI-86 Exploration for Shallow Natural Gas in North Dakota by FID Field Screening of Ground-Water Wells, by Fred J. Anderson, Brian, N. Hall, Cassie B. Gudmunsen, Adam J. Ries, and Allison R. Christensen, 2009. Poster. Available in poster format ($25.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-87 Methane Occurrence in Glacial Buried-Valley Aquifer Systems in North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2009. PowerPoint presentation. Slides in .pdf format also available on CD ($5.00).
GI-88 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Traill County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2009. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-89 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Oliver County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2009. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
GI-90 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Stark County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2009. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).GI-91 Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Ransom County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2010. Available in paper map format ($10.00) and on CD ($5.00).
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North Dakota Geological Survey
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