Why are pipelines important?
Pipelines offer oil and gas producers the safest, most efficient, and most reliable method for transporting petroleum related products. The safety record associated with pipeline operations far surpasses that of rail or truck transportation. Learn more at Pipeline 101.
What is the NDPA?
North Dakota's Pipeline Authority (PA) was established by North Dakota Legislature in 2007. The North Dakota Industrial Commission is the North Dakota Pipeline Authority. The Authority was created for the purpose of diversifying and expanding the North Dakota economy by facilitating development of pipeline facilities to support the production, transportation, and utilization of North Dakota energy-related commodities. The Authority may participate in a pipeline facility through financing, planning, development, acquisition, leasing, rental, joint ownership, or other arrangements.
Where are the pipelines located?
There are close to 7,000 miles of transmission and distribution pipelines in North Dakota alone, so there is a good chance you live or work near one. Statewide pipeline maps can be found on the Pipeline Authority “Publications & Maps” webpage. To search for pipelines operating near you, please use the National Pipeline Mapping System.
Always remember to Call 811 before starting any underground projects at work or home.
What factors determine the prices of gasoline and natural gas?
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has created a very useful website to explain what factors affect consumer gasoline and natural gas prices.
Click here learn more about gasoline prices
Click here to learn more about natural gas prices
Who regulates North Dakota’s pipelines?
North Dakota regulatory information can be found on the PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program website.
What kinds of pipelines are there?
Energy Related pipeline operators in North Dakota transport the following items; crude oil, refined products (gasoline, diesel, jets fuel, etc), natural gas, carbon dioxide, and well production water.
What pipeline projects are currently underway in North Dakota?
For a listing of current projects, please visit the Pipeline Authority’s “Current Projects ” webpage.
Where can I find pipeline safety statistics for North Dakota?
North Dakota safety statistics can be obtained through the PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program.