Geologic Map Viewer
The North Dakota Geological Survey's Viewer is a compilation of datasets published by the NDGS and other agencies which, when layered over each other, present a comprehensive and insightful display of data using color & transparency. It includes detailed information about the state's geology, lignite deposits, boundaries, yearly aerial imagery, and monumental datasets such as 1-meter LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) derived hill shade of the entire state.
Geologic Map Data Download
The North Dakota Geological Survey publishes maps and reports on the mineralogical, paleontological, and geochemical resources of North Dakota, including oil and gas, coal, uranium, clay, sand and gravel, volcanic ash, potash and other salts, etc. In addition to mapping subsurface resources, the Survey is actively mapping the surface geology throughout the state with an emphasis on urban areas and identifying geohazards such as landslides.
Select a specific area of interest to view and download 24K and 100K scale maps. All NDGS maps are available here for free download (PDF, shapefiles, etc.).
Federally Produced Maps
The North Dakota Geological Survey is a dealer for USGS topographic maps. The NDGS stocks all USGS topographic maps for North Dakota and can locate and provide existing maps for nearly every state in the U.S. We can assist you in ordering them or include them in our regular map order (it takes about a week for us to receive map orders from the USGS).
The NDGS also stocks selected Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and Soil Conservation Service maps for North Dakota.
USGS Topographic Maps
Large-Scale Map Series
(7.5 minutes of latitude and longitude); scale 1:24,000 or about 2 5/8 inches per mile. $8.00.
Intermediate-Scale Map Series (Metric)
(30 minutes of latitude by 60 minutes of longitude); scale 1:100,000 or 1 cm on the map represents 1 km on the ground. (BLM versions are available for portions of the state and contain land status in addition to the standard USGS map.) $9.00.
Small-Scale Map Series
(1 degree latitude; 2 degree longitude); scale 1:250,000 or about 1/4 inch per mile. $9.00.
15-Minute Series
(15 minutes of latitude and longitude); scale 1:62,500, or about 1 inch per mile. Statewide coverage not available. This map series has been discontinued; Maps are available while supplies last. $4.00.
When ordering maps by mail, fax, or phone, please be sure to indicate the map name and scale you want. If you are not sure, map indexes can be sent free of charge upon request. Refunds CAN NOT be given for returned maps. A 10% discount is allowed on individual orders of ten or more maps (not including shipping). To order, Contact the Publications Clerk or phone 701-328-8000.
Shipping Rates:
1 to 5 Maps - $2.75
6 to 30 Maps - $4.00
31 or More Maps - $6.00
Federally Produced Maps
1:500,000 Scale
North Dakota shaded relief $9.00
North Dakota planimetric base-highway only $9.00
North Dakota base-hwy/contour $9.00
North Dakota geologic map $10.00
North Dakota hydrologic units (NRSCS) $7.00
North Dakota land status (BLM) $7.00
1:100,000 Scale
State of North Dakota
North Dakota planimetric base $7.00
North Dakota land status (BLM) $7.00
4o x 6o Quad
Dakotas - Quaternary Geology ($7.00 each)
Chart OC-126 -- Selected Physical Properties of the Bakken Formation, ND and MT Part of the Williston Basin
Map 1-1420 (NL-14) -- State Compilations
USGS 1953 -- Geology of the Bowbells Quadrangle, ND
Map 1-1970-C -- Map Showing the Thickness and Character of Quaternary Sediments in the Glaciated US East of the Rocky Mts - Northern and Central Plain States
Chart OC-72 -- Stratigraphic Sections from Well Logs and Outcrops of Cretaceous and Paleocene Rocks, Northern Great Plains, ND and SD
Map CQ 44 -- Geology of the Noonan Quadrangle ND
Map CQ 46 -- Geology of the Crosby Quadrangle ND
Map CQ 47 -- Geology of the Portal Quadrangle ND
Atlas HA-431 -- Ground-water Resources of Walsh County, Northeastern ND
Atlas HA-476 -- Ground-water Resources of Benson and Pierce Counties, North-Central ND
Map C-67 -- Geologic Map and Lignite Deposits of the Dengate Quadrangle, Morton County, ND
Map C-71 -- Geologic Map and Coal Resources of the White Butte NW Quadrangle, Stark and Hettinger Counties, ND
Atlas HA-644 -- Geohydrology of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North & South Dakota
U.S. Base Map (1:10,000,000) $7.00
North America (1:10,000,000) $7.00
1:40,053,700 Scale
World $7.00
Lewis & Clark Maps
Lewis & Clark: A Legacy of Science $10.00
Lewis & Clark Expedition $10.00
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Maps
North Unit (1:24,000 topographic base) $10.00
South Unit (1:24,000 topographic base) $10.00
Sheyenne Grassland
- (1:126,720) (USFS) $6.00
Grand-Cedar River Grassland
- (1:126,720) (USFS) $6.00
Boating and Recreation (Army Corps of Engineers)
Lake Oahe (1:48,000) $2.00
Lake Sakakawea (1:48,000) $5.00
Garrison Dam to Lake Oahe (1:24,000) $3.00
When ordering maps by mail, fax, or phone, please be sure to indicate the map name and scale you want. If you are not sure, map indexes can be sent free of charge upon request. Refunds CAN NOT be given for returned maps. A 10% discount is allowed on individual orders of ten or more maps (not including shipping). To order, Contact the Publications Clerk or phone 701-328-8000.
Shipping Rates:
1 to 5 Maps - $2.75
6 to 30 Maps - $4.00
31 or More Maps - $6.00