The Department of Mineral Resources oversees the construction, operation, maintenance, and abandonment of the state's expanding gathering pipeline systems. North Dakota was the first state in the nation to regulate gathering pipelines as an effort to help with the construction of safe, effective, and economic pipeline infrastructure.
Gathering pipelines are considered all underground gathering pipelines designed for or capable of transporting crude oil, produced water, or natural gas from an oil and gas production facility for the purpose of disposal, storage, or for sale purposes. NDAC Sections 43-02-03-29 and 43-02-03-29.1 are not applicable to flow lines, injection pipelines, pipelines operated by an enhanced recovery unit for enhanced recovery unit operations, or on piping utilized to connect wells, tanks, treaters, flares, or other equipment located entirely within the boundary of a well site or production facility.
**Important Notice**
Pipeline Operator Information
Cradle to Grave Submission Flow Chart
Gathering pipeline owners/operators are responsible for submissions that cover the lifetime of the pipeline. Flow Chart
Organization Questionnaire
Submit an Organization Questionnaire
Underground gathering pipeline owners are required to have a Form 2 Organization Questionnaire (See NDAC Section 43-02-03-11) on file with the commission.
A hard copy of the Form 2 needs to be submitted to the Oil and Gas Division in addition to completion of the Organization Questionnaire in NorthSTAR which can be found here:
Submit Notice to Construct
Underground Gathering Pipeline Notification to Construct Submission
The North Dakota Oil and Gas Division does not permit the location of underground gathering pipelines. However, underground gathering pipeline operators must submit notification, at least seven days prior commencing the construction of any crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline, as specified below.
New construction is defined as a new gathering pipeline installation project or an alteration or reroute of an existing gathering pipeline where the location, composition, size, design temperature, or design pressure changes.
The pipeline operator may not place constructed pipelines into service without having a pipeline bond on file. The pipeline operator must hire a qualified third-party independent inspector, whose responsibility is to ensure the pipeline is constructed and pressure tested per manufacturer's specifications and in accordance with the requirements of Section 43-02-03-29.1 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC). This inspector may not be an employee of the gathering pipeline owner/operator or the contractor hired to construct and install the pipeline.
Submission Directions
The following documentation must be submitted through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
- Name of the project, including Gathering System and Pipeline Name.
- Proposed date construction is scheduled to begin.
- GIS shape files showing the proposed pipeline route.
- Planned method of pipeline integrity to be utilized (hydrostatic or pneumatic) prior to placing the pipeline into service.
- The location and type of all road crossings and locations of environmentally sensitive areas the pipeline may traverse.
- Proposed pipeline design drawings, alignment sheets, bore profiles, and pipeline specification sheet, as appropriate.
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (3) - Notifications
- The underground gathering pipeline owner shall notify the commission, as provided by the director, at least seven days prior to commencing new construction of any underground gathering pipeline.
- The notice of intent to construct a crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline must include the following:
- The proposed date construction is scheduled to begin.
- A statement that the director will be verbally notified approximately forty-eight hours prior to commencing the construction.
- A geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file format showing the proposed route of the pipeline from the point of origin to the termination point.
- The proposed underground gathering pipeline design drawings, including all associated above ground equipment.
- The proposed pipeline composition, specifications (i.e. size, weight, grade, wall thickness, coating, and standard dimension ratio).
- The type of fluid to be transported.
- The method of testing pipeline integrity (e.g. hydrostatic or pneumatic test) prior to placing the pipeline into service.
- Proposed burial depth of the pipeline.
- The location and type of all road crossings (i.e. bored and cased or bored only).
- The location of all environmentally sensitive areas, such as wetlands, streams, or other surface waterbodies that the pipeline may traverse, if applicable.
- The notice of intent to construct a crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline must include the following:
Submit Pipeline Bond Information
Underground Gathering Pipeline Bond and Transfer Submission
Underground gathering pipelines used to transfer crude oil or produced water must be bonded pursuant to Subsection 8 of Section 43-02-03-15 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC). In addition, notice must be provided for the transfer of these pipelines. Pipelines remain on the bond until they have been properly abandoned and the right-of-way, including all associated above ground equipment, has been reclaimed or they are transferred to another bond. Pipelines which are inactive (deactivated, idled) are not considered properly abandoned. Underground gathering pipelines which are inactive for over seven years, may, after notice and hearing, be required to be properly abandoned pursuant to Sections 43-02-03-29 and 43-02-03-29.1.
Submission Directions
1.) Obtain gathering pipeline bond.
Forms with Description
- Form 3PL : Gathering pipelines that are less than 1 mile - bond amount to be approved by the Director
- Form 3PL1 : Single Gathering System - $50,000 Bond
- Form 3PL2 : Multiple Gathering Systems (two or more underground gathering systems) - $100,000 Blanket Bond
- Form 3PL3 : Underground Gathering Pipeline Cash Bond - Application to deposit cash or property in lieu of a surety bond
A gathering system is a group of interconnected pipelines which share the same fluid type.
2.) Submit GIS shape files through pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
Upload GIS shape files showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and all underground gathering pipelines on the bond. This dataset must be continuously updated to add new pipelines that are constructed and brought into service and to remove existing pipelines that are properly abandoned.
Download Bonding Shape File Template
Pipeline Attribute Descriptions
Pipeline Naming/Segmenting Guidelines
Note: Please use the supplemental shape file template found in the Above Ground Pipeline Facilities & Equipment section for equipment such as booster stations, riser stations, or other above ground facilities.
3.) Transferring pipelines.
- Transferee must obtain gathering pipeline bond and submit GIS shape files (Steps 1 & 2).
- Submit Form 15PL: Notice of Transfer of Underground Gathering Pipelines. The names gathering system and pipeline names must match names provided on the GIS shape files.
Note: Bond and Transfer Forms must be mailed to the Oil and Gas Division. The original, signed form must be mailed to:
North Dakota Industrial Commission
Oil and Gas Division
600 East Boulevard Dept. 405
Bismarck ND 58505-0840
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-15 (8) - Crude Oil and Produced Water Underground Gathering Pipeline Bond
The bonding requirements for crude oil and produced water underground gathering pipelines are not to be construed to be required on flow lines, injection pipelines, pipelines operated by an enhanced recovery unit for enhanced recovery unit operations, or on piping utilized to connect wells, tanks, treaters, flares, or other equipment on the production facility.
- Any owner of an underground gathering pipeline transferring crude oil or produced water, after April 19, 2015, shall submit to the commission and obtain its approval of a surety bond or cash bond prior to July 1, 2017. Any owner of a proposed underground gathering pipeline to transfer crude oil or produced water shall submit to the commission and obtain its approval of a surety bond or cash bond prior to placing into service. An alternative form of security may be approved by the commission after notice and hearing, as provided by law. The person responsible for the operation of the crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline must be the principal on the bond. Each surety bond must be executed by a responsible surety company authorized to transact business in North Dakota. The bond must be in the amount of fifty thousand dollars when applicable to one crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline system only. Such underground gathering pipelines that are less than one mile [1609.34 meters] in length may be bonded in a lesser amount if approved by the director. When the principal on the bond is operating multiple gathering pipeline systems within the state or proposes to do so, the principal may submit a blanket bond conditioned as provided by law. A blanket bond covering one or more underground gathering pipeline systems must be in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. The owner shall file with the director, as prescribed by the director, a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file format showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and the pipeline centerline from the point of origin to the termination point of all underground gathering pipelines on the bond. Each layer must include at least the following information:
- The name of the pipeline gathering system and other separately named portions thereof;
- The type of fluid transported;
- The pipeline composition;
- Burial depth; and
- Approximate in-service date
- Transfer of underground gathering pipelines under bond. Transfer of property does not release the bond. In the case of transfer of property or other interest in the underground gathering pipeline and the principal desires to be released from the bond covering the underground gathering pipeline, the principal must proceed as follows:
- The principal shall notify the director, in writing, of all proposed transfer of underground gathering pipelines at least thirty days before the closing date of the transfer. The director, for good cause, may waive this requirement.
- Notice of underground gathering pipeline transfer. The principal shall submit, as provided by the director, a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographical coordinate system and in an environmental systems research institute shape file format showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and the pipeline centerline from the point of origin to the termination point of all underground gathering pipelines to be transferred to a certain transferee, naming such transferee, for the purpose of ownership or operation. The date of assignment or transfer must be stated and the form 15pl signed by a party duly authorized to sign on behalf of the principal.
More information about Financial Assurance & Bonding
Submit In-Service or Inactive Notice
Underground Gathering Pipeline In-Service and Inactivity Notice
Underground gathering pipeline owners must submit a notice when a newly constructed pipeline is put into service. The in-service date is the first date fluid was transported down the underground gathering pipeline for disposal, storage, or sale purposes after construction. If upon tying the new pipeline into the active system results in fluid entering the pipeline due to back pressure, the pipeline would be considered in-service.
In addition if a pipeline is placed into inactive status for over one year notice must be provided. Inactive pipelines may also be known as deactivated or idled. Section 43-02-03-55 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) does permit the commission, after notice and hearing, to require a pipeline be properly abandoned, if it has been inactive for seven years.
Submission Directions
1. Download a copy of the Form 4 sundry.
2. Fill out sundry as directed below. Portions of sundry not described below should be left blank.
- Report of Work Done - Date Work Completed - This is the date the pipeline was put into service or placed into inactive status.
- Select Other - Type in either In-Service or Inactive, depending on type of sundry notice.
- Details of Work - Include the following:
- Gathering System Name (must match GIS on file)
- Pipeline Name (must match GIS on file)
- Note: If only a portion of the pipeline listed above is being placed into service or placed into inactive status, please include details to describe that portion.
- Date
- In-Service - Date the pipeline was put into service
- Inactive - Date the pipeline was placed into inactive status.
- Company/Signature Bock - Details should match the entity the gathering system is bonded under.
- Digital signatures are permitted.
3. Upload a copy of the sundry through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (3) - Notifications
The underground gathering pipeline owner shall file a sundry notice (form 4 or form provided by the commission) with the director notifying the commission of any underground gathering pipeline system or portion thereof that has been removed from service for more than one year.
The pipeline owner shall file a sundry notice (form 4 or form provided by the commission) within thirty days of the in-service date reporting the date of first service.
Submit Pipeline Integrity Pressure Test Results
Underground Gathering Pipeline Integrity Pressure Test Results
All newly constructed crude oil and produced water underground gathering pipelines must be pressure tested to demonstrate integrity before being placed into service. Additionally, any pipelines which have been repaired, replaced, relocated, or otherwise modified must have integrity demonstrated before being returned to service.
Pipeline owner/operator shall notify the commission at least forty-eight hours prior to commencement of any pipeline integrity test, pursuant to Section 43-02-03-29.1 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), to allow a representative of the North Dakota Oil and Gas Division to witness the testing process and results. The notice must include the pipeline integrity test procedure.
The owner/operator shall maintain a pipeline integrity demonstration plan during the service life of the pipeline. The maximum operating pressure of any portion of an underground gathering system may not exceed the test pressure from the most recent integrity test demonstration following modification or repair for which it was tested.
Submission Directions
The following documentation must be submitted through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
- GIS shape files showing the centerline location for ALL the pipeline(s) included on the test.
- A copy of the test procedure used.
- A copy of the digital logs and/or chart recorder results showing full length of test.
- A copy of Pipeline Third-Party Inspector Certificate
- This is only required for pressure tests on newly constructed pipelines.
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (13) - Pipeline integrity
- An independent inspector's certificate of hydrostatic or pneumatic testing of a crude oil or produced water underground gathering pipeline must be submitted within sixty days of the underground gathering pipeline being placed into service and include the following:
- The name of the pipeline gathering system and any other separately named portions thereof;
- The date of the test;
- The duration of the test;
- The length of pipeline which was tested;
- The maximum and minimum test pressure;
- The starting and ending pressure;
- A copy of the chart recorder or digital log results; and
- A geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file format showing the location of the centerline of the portion of the pipeline that was tested.
- A copy of the test procedure used; and
- A third-party inspector certificate summarizing the pipeline has been pressure tested and whether it demonstrated integrity, including the identification of any leaks, ruptures, or other integrity issues encountered, and an explanation for any substantial pressure gain or losses during the integrity test, if applicable.
Submit Gathering Pipeline Data (As Built & Abandonment)
Underground Gathering Pipeline As Built and Abandonment Submission
All crude oil, produced water, and gas gathering pipelines placed into service after July 31, 2011, must have as built submitted, pursuant to Subsection 1 of Section 43-02-03-29 or Subsection 8 of Section 43-02-03-29.1 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC). Additionally, gathering pipelines abandoned after March 31, 2014, must have abandonment data submitted, pursuant to Subsection 2 of Section 43-02-03-29 or Subsection 15 of Section 43-02-03-29.1.
Both of the submissions above require the pipeline owner/operator to submit a completion affidavit and an amendment to their as built/abandonment GIS dataset that shows the centerline location and specifications of the pipelines they own in the state. This dataset must be continuously updated as new pipelines are brought into service or existing pipelines are placed into inactive status or properly abandoned.
A pipeline is considered abandoned if it no longer is in service, is physically disconnected from in-service facilities, and is not intended to be reactivated for future use. Inactive (deactivated/idled) pipelines may also be physically disconnected but are actively being monitored by the operator with the plans for reuse in the future. The pipeline owner/operator shall notify the commission at least forty-eight hours prior to commencement of any crude oil or produced water gathering pipeline abandonment work, to allow work to be witnessed by staff.
Submission Directions
The following documentation must be submitted through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
GIS shape files showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and all underground gathering pipelines placed into service after July 31, 2011, abandoned after March 31, 2014, or that have been inactive for over one year.
Download As Built-Abandonment Shape File Template
Pipeline Attribute Descriptions
Pipeline Naming/Segmenting Guidelines
- Completion Affidavit.
- On second page of form include the names of pipelines that are new additions or abandonments since last submission. The pipeline names should match GIS submission. If update includes both as built and abandonment include reason next to the pipeline name.
- For crude oil and produced water pipelines use: Pipeline Completion Affidavit (Crude Oil and Produced Water Gathering)
- For gas gathering pipelines use: Pipeline Completion Affidavit (Gas Gathering)
- Note: Affidavits require Adobe Reader 8 or higher to display in browser but you can still download a copy even if they do not display in browser.
- On second page of form include the names of pipelines that are new additions or abandonments since last submission. The pipeline names should match GIS submission. If update includes both as built and abandonment include reason next to the pipeline name.
- Copies of Pipeline Third-Party Inspector Certificate, for new (as built) crude oil and produced water pipelines.
- Form 4 sundry for crude oil and produced water pipeline abandonments, that include the following details:
- Gathering System Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline that was abandoned.
- Pipeline Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline that was abandoned.
- If only a portion of the pipeline was abandoned include details explaining which length was abandoned.
- Date abandonment was completed.
- Purge fluid type and volume used.
- Was fluid evacuated?
- Were pigs used?
- Location of above ground facilities removed.
Note: At this time a dataset template does not exist for point data. Any point data, such as the location of compressor/booster stations, drip tanks, riser stations, or other above ground facilities can be submitted as a supplemental attachment.
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29 - Well and lease equipment and gas gathering pipelines.
- The operator of any underground gathering pipeline placed into service on August 1, 2011, to June 30, 2013, shall file with the director, by January 1, 2015, a geographical information system utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file format showing the location of the pipeline centerline. The operator of any underground gas gathering pipeline placed into service after June 30, 2013, shall file with the director, within one hundred eighty days of placing into service, a geographical information system utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file format showing the location of all compressor sites, buried drip tanks, and the pipeline centerline. An affidavit of completion shall accompany each layer containing the following information:
- A statement that the pipeline was constructed and installed in compliance with section 43-02-03-29.
- The outside diameter, minimum wall thickness, composition, internal yield pressure, and maximum temperature rating of the pipeline, or any other specifications deemed necessary by the director.
- The anticipated operating pressure of the pipeline.
- The type of fluid that will be transported in the pipeline and direction of flow.
- Pressure to which the pipeline was tested prior to placing into service.
- The minimum pipeline depth of burial.
- In-service date.
- Leak detection and monitoring methods that will be utilized after in-service date.
- Pipeline name.
- Accuracy of the geographical information system layer.
- Within one hundred eighty days of completing the abandonment of an underground gas gathering pipeline the operator of the pipeline shall file with the director a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Esri) shape file file format showing the location of the pipeline centerline and an affidavit of completion containing the following information:
- A statement that the pipeline was constructed and installed in compliance with section 43-02-03-29.
- The type of fluid used to purge the pipeline.
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (8) - Underground gathering pipeline as built.
The owner of any underground gathering pipeline placed into service after July 31, 2011, shall file with the director, as prescribed by the director, within one hundred eighty days of placing into service, a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system and in an environmental systems research institute shape file format showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and the pipeline centerline from the point of origin to the termination point. An affidavit of completion shall accompany each layer containing the following information:
- A third-party inspector certificate that the pipeline was constructed and installed in compliance with section 43-02-03-29.1.
- The outside diameter, minimum wall thickness, composition, and maximum temperature rating of the pipeline, or any other specifications deemed necessary by the director.
- The maximum allowable operating pressure of the pipeline.
- The specified minimum yield strength and internal yield pressure of the pipeline if applicable to the composition of pipe.
- The type of fluid that will be transported in the pipeline.
- Pressure and duration to which the pipeline was tested prior to placing into service.
- The minimum pipeline depth of burial from the top of the pipe to the finished grade.
- In-service date.
- Leak protection and monitoring methods that will be utilized after in-service date.
- Any leak detection methods that have been prepared by the owner.
- The name of the pipeline gathering system and any other separately named portions thereof.
- Accuracy of the geographical information system layer.
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (15) - Pipeline abandonment.
- Within one hundred eighty days of completing the abandonment of an underground gathering pipeline the owner of the pipeline shall file with the director a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system and in an environmental systems research institute shape file format showing the location of the pipeline centerline and an affidavit of completion containing the following information:
- A statement that the pipeline was abandoned in compliance with section 43-02-03-29.1.
- The type of fluid used to purge the pipeline.
- The date of pipeline abandonment.
- The length of pipeline abandoned.
Submit Above Ground Pipeline Facilities & Equipment
Submission Directions
Download template and add all pipeline facilities and other above ground equipment. Please submit the entire dataset: for example, if a facility needs to be added after initial submission, append it to your current dataset and submit the new data set including the added facility. Please email shape files unzipped to (Note: our email servers will reject zipped files)
Download Pipeline Facilities Shape File Template
Pipeline Facilities Attribute Descriptions
For any questions, please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
For gas gathering pipelines
North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) chapter 43-02-03-29 subsection 1, states in part that: within one hundred eighty days of placing into service, a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system (GCS) and in an environmental systems research institute (Ersi) shape file format showing the location of all compressor sites, buried drip tanks, and the pipeline centerline.
For crude oil and produced water gathering pipelines
North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) chapter 43-02-03-29.1 subsection 8, states in part that: within one hundred eighty days of placing into service, a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system and in an environmental systems research institute shape file format showing the location of all associated above ground equipment and the pipeline centerline from the point of origin to the termination point.
Submit Pipeline Repair Information
Underground Gathering Pipeline Repair Submission
Pipeline repair is defined as the work necessary to restore a pipeline system to a condition suitable for safe operations that does not change the design temperature or pressure. The repair or replacement may be necessary due to a pipeline failure or as preventative maintenance. If the alteration changes the location, composition, or size of the pipeline, the work is considered, new construction.
Pipeline owner/operator shall notify the commission at least forty-eight hours prior to commencement of any repair or replacement, except in an emergency, pursuant to Section 43-02-03-29.1 of the North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC), to allow a representative of the North Dakota Oil and Gas Division to witness the repair.
All owner may not use any pipe, valve, or fitting, for replacement or repair of an underground pipeline, unless it is designed to meet the maximum operating pressure.
Submission Directions
The following documentation must be submitted through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
- GIS shape files showing the centerline location for ALL the pipeline(s) included on the test.
- Completion affidavit. Pipeline Completion Affidavit (Crude Oil and Produced Water Gathering)
- Pipeline integrity pressure test submission (or equivalent integrity demonstration).
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (14) - Pipeline repair
- Within one hundred eighty days of repairing or replacing any underground gathering pipeline the owner shall file with the director a geographical information system layer utilizing North American datum 83 geographic coordinate system and in an environmental systems research institute shape file format showing the location of the centerline of the repaired or replaced pipeline and an affidavit of completion containing the following information:
- A statement that the pipeline was repaired in compliance with section 43-02-03-29.1.
- The reason for the repair or replacement.
- The length of pipeline that was repaired or replaced.
- Pressure and duration to which the pipeline was tested prior to returning to service.
Submit Squeeze Off Request
Underground Produced Water Gathering Pipeline Squeeze Off Approval
Clamping or squeezing of poly pipelines, as a method to restrict the flow of produced water inside the pipe, for repair, replacement, modification, or connecting new pipelines to a system must be approved. The plan must include documentation to show the pipeline can be safely clamped or squeezed as prescribed by the manufacturer's specifications. If an emergency requires clamping or squeezing, the owner shall obtain verbal approval and the plan shall be filed within seven days of completing the repair.
Submission Directions
1. Download a copy of the Form 4 sundry.
2. Fill out sundry as directed below. Portions of sundry not described below should be left blank.
- Notice of Intent - Approximate Start Date - This is the date you plan to do the work on.
- Select Other - Type in Intent to Squeeze
- Details of Work - Include the following:
- Gathering System Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline to be squeezed.
- Pipeline Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline to be squeezed.
- Description of squeeze location(s).
- Reason for the squeeze.
- Procedural information (may be included as supplemental attachment)
- Pipe specifications for pipeline being squeezed (diameter, SDR, grade, min wall thickness, max wall thickness).
- 10% of wall thickness.
- 70% of twice the maximum wall thickness.
- Anticipated range of minimum ambient temperature during job.
- Field contact name and number.
- Minimum planned compression duration.
- Minimum planned release duration.
- Statements that the following requirements specified under ASTM F1563 and F1041 will be met.
- Inspection of pipe will be done to ensure no cuts, scrapes, gouges, or anomalies (>10% of pipe wall thickness) exist where squeeze is planned.
- Squeeze tool(s) will be located a minimum of 3X the pipe diameter, or 12 inches, whichever is greater, from any fusion point, mechanical connection, prior squeeze off point, or second squeeze-off tool.
- Squeeze-off tool(s) will have stops in place to limit the squeeze to 70% of twice the maximum wall thickness.
- Maximum compression rate to be 2 inches per minute (1 inch per minute if below 32 degrees F).
- Maximum release rate to be 0.5 inches per minute (0.25 inches per minute if below 32 degrees F).
- Pipe will be inspected for damage after removal of tool. Any damaged pipe will be replaced.
- Pipeline will be pressure tested after squeeze to ensure integrity of line.
- Manufacturer of pipe must sign off on plan.
- Company/Signature Bock - Details should match the entity the gathering system is bonded under.
- Digital signatures are permitted.
3. Upload a copy of the sundry through the pipeline portal. Pipeline Submission Portal
Note: The following stipulations are placed on approved squeeze off requests.
- The squeeze off must be done in a way that does not compromise the long-term structural integrity of the pipeline.
- At least forty-eight hours prior to beginning the squeeze off the operator/owner must notify the NDIC pipeline inspector specified on the approved sundry.
- Following the completion of the squeeze off and before returning the pipeline to service, and annually thereafter, the operator/owner must pressure test the portion of the pipeline that was squeezed, with a NDIC pipeline inspector present.
- Within thirty days of performing the squeeze off the owner/operator must report work done on a sundry, including but not limited,
- Gathering System Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline to be squeezed.
- Pipeline Name (must match GIS on file) of pipeline to be squeezed.
- Date squeeze was completed.
- Pipeline specifications.
- Make and model of the squeeze off tool(s).
- Exact distance between squeeze off tool stops.
- Compression and release times.
- Distance to the nearest fusion joint from each tool.
- Latitude and longitude of all squeeze off points.
- Pipe temperature during squeeze off.
- Pressure test results.
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email
Reference Code
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (4) - Design and construction
- Clamping or squeezing as a method of connecting any produced water underground gathering pipeline must be approved by the director. Prior to clamping or squeezing the pipeline, the owner shall file a sundry notice (form 4 or form provided by the commission) with the director and obtain approval of the clamping or squeezing plan. The notice must include documentation that the pipeline can be safely clamped or squeezed as prescribed by the manufacturer's specifications. Any damaged portion of the produced water underground gathering pipeline that has been clamped or squeezed must be replaced before it is placed into service.
North Dakota Administrative Code Section 43-02-03-29.1 (14) - Pipeline repair
- Clamping or squeezing as a method of connecting any produced water underground gathering pipeline must be approved by the director. Prior to clamping or squeezing the pipeline, the owner shall file a sundry notice (form 4 or form provided by the commission) with the director and obtain approval of the clamping or squeezing plan. The notice must include documentation that the pipeline can be safely clamped or squeezed as prescribed by the manufacturer's specifications. If an emergency requires clamping or squeezing, the owner or owner's agent shall obtain verbal approval from the director and the notice shall be filed within seven days of completing the repair. Any damaged portion of the produced water underground gathering pipeline that has been clamped or squeezed must be replaced before it is placed into service.
Public Information Portal
Request Gathering Pipeline Location Data
Requesting Gathering Pipeline Location Data
North Dakota Century Code (NDCC) Section 38-08-06 (1), requires that the Oil and Gas Division's underground gathering pipeline geographic information system database remain confidential except as provided in this section. Part 3, allows the landowner or tenant to request the location of gathering pipelines located within the bounds of the real property they own or lease.
To request this information please follow the directions below.
Request Directions:
- Download the Pipeline Location Request Affidavit.
- Complete the affidavit and have it notarized.
- The name provided must match the name on the deed or lease agreement.
- If you are signing on behalf of a trust or business name please include documentation with your request, to show you are a registered agent.
- If you are signing as a tenant please include copy of lease agreement with your request.
- If the property is a tract within the Berthold Reservation please include a supplemental documentation to show you are the owner or tenant.
- Property description must be legal land description. Example: SESW Section 35-T153N-R91W, Mountrail County
- The name provided must match the name on the deed or lease agreement.
- Complete the following form, by selecting Submit Request, which will collect your contact information and allow you to upload a copy of the completed pipeline location request affidavit and supplemental documentation.
If you have any questions please call 701-328-8020 or email