Operators in North Dakota transferring assets must follow the Rules, Regulations & Policies of Department of Mineral Resources - Oil and Gas Division.
Can I transfer an active well from one operator to another?
Yes, well transfers must be submitted through NorthSTAR.
More information can be found on the Forms page.
Can I transfer a constructed pad for a well which has not spud?
Yes. If the location is constructed but the well is "permitted but not drilled", it will need to be transferred in NorthSTAR.
However, the receiving operator must file either a Form 4-Sundry or Form 1-APD along with any revised permit documents depending upon individual circumstances.
More information can be found on the Forms page.
Can I assign permits from one operator to another?
Yes. However, the permits which are being transferred must be in compliance with the Commission's rules & regulations. Expired permits must either be renewed or cancelled by the transferring operator prior to final approval of the Form 15 by the Oil & Gas Division.