Paleontologist, Collections Manager
(701) 328-2803
600 East Boulevard
Bismarck, ND 58505-0840
Job Description
Jeff splits his time between field work, research, collections work, exhibits, lab work, editing, and outreach. As collections manager, he is in charge of cataloging and curating all specimens within and entering the North Dakota State Fossil Collection. Please contact Jeff Person or Clint Boyd about loan inquiries.
2000: M.S. Paleontology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
1997: B.S. Geology, University of North Dakota
Wang, X., Emry, R.J., Boyd, C.A., Person, J.J., White, S.C., and Tedford, R.H. 2023. An exquisitely preserved skeleton of Eoarctos vorax (nov. gen. et sp.) from Fitterer Ranch, North Dakota (Early Oligocene) and systematics and phylogeny of North American early arctoids (Carnivora, Caniformia). Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir 22. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 42(2, Supplement). DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2022.2145900
Korth, W.W., Boyd, C.A., Emry, R.J., and Person, J.J. 2023. Additional small mammals from the Oligocene Brule Formation (late Orellan-Whitneyan) of southwestern North Dakota. Paludicola. 14(2):57-74.
Person, J.J., 2022. Return of the Dinomummy. Geo News 49(1):2-6.
Korth, W.W., Boyd, C.A., Person, J.J., and Anderson, D.K. 2022. Fossil mammals from ant mounds situated on exposures of the Big Cottonwood Creek Member of the Chadron Formation (latest Eocene-early Oligocene, Sioux county, Nebraska. Paludicola. 13:191-344.
Korth, W.W., Boyd, C.A., Emry, R.J., and Person, J.J. 2021. Marsupials (Mammalia, Metatheria) from the Brule Formation (Oligocene) North Dakota. Journal of Palaeontology. 95(1):193-204. DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.41
Czaplewski, N.J., Person, J.J., Boyd, C.A., and Emry, R.J. 2019. A new species of bat (Chiroptera: Vespertillionidae) form the early Oligocene global cooling period, Brule Formation, North Dakota, USA. Palaeo Vertebrata. 42:e2. DOI: 10.18563/pv.42.2.e2
Person, J.J., 2019. Summer Biology and Paleontology. Geo News 46(2):4-5.
Korth, W.W., Boyd, C.A., and Person, J.J. 2019. Whitneyan (middle Oligocene) rodents from Obritsch Ranch (Stark County, North Dakota) and a review of Whitneyan rodent fossil record. Annals of Carnegie Museum. 85:249-278. DOI: 10.2992/007.085.0304
Korth, W.W., Emry, R.J., Boyd, C.A., and Person, J.J. 2019. Rodents (Mammalia) from Fitterer Ranch, Brule Formation (Oligocene), North Dakota. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleontology. 103:1-45.
Barnes, B., Boyd, C.A., Person, J.J., 2018. Paleo Primer 2: North Dakota's Cretaceous Underwater World. North Dakota Geological Survey Educational Series #35.
Person, J.J., and B. Barnes. 2018. New Plesiosaur Exhibit at Heritage Center State Museum. Geo News 45(2):1-4.
Person, J.J., 2018. Digging Up the Truth - Myths About Dinosaurs. Geo News 45(1):11-15.
Boyd, C.A., Person, J.J., Barnes, B., 2017. Additions to the Lancian Mammalian Fauna from southwest North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2017.1325368
Barnes, B., Boyd, C.A., Person, J.J., 2017. Paleo Primer: An Introduction to Paleontology Concepts. North Dakota Geological Survey Educational Series #33.
Boyd, C.A., and J.J. Person. 2016. New Additions To The Lancian Mammalian Fauna From Southwest North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (2016 Program and Abstracts).
Boyd, C.A., J.J. Person, and B. Barnes. 2016. New Additions To The Lancian Mammalian Fauna From Southwest North Dakota, Poster.
Person, J.J., and C.A. Boyd. 2016. New Paleontology Exhibits Opened Across North Dakota. Geo News 43(2):1-5.
Person, J.J., 2016. Public Fossil Dig Update. Geo News 43(1):16-17.
Person, J.J., and C.A. Boyd. 2015. First bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) reported from the Oligocene of North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (Program and Abstracts):194.
Person, J.J., and C.A. Boyd. 2015. First bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) reported from the Oligocene of North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Poster.
Boyd, C.A., J.J. Person, and B. Barnes. 2015. Revision of caniform diversity from the Little Badlands area (Oligocene) of North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (Program and Abstracts):94.
Person, J.J., 2015. Exhibits in the corridor of history at the North Dakota Heritage Center State Museum. Geo News 42(1):15-17.
Person, J.J., 2015. Microfossils. Geo News 42(2):6-9.
Person, J.J., 2014. Petrified Stumps & Log (feature fossil), FIND newsletter, no. 15.
Hoganson, J.W., J.J. Person, and B. Barnes. 2014. The New Adaptation Gallery: Geologic Time at the North Dakota Heritage Center. Geo News 41(2):1-7.
Person, J.J. 2014. Early Navigation. Geo News 41(1):11-13.
Person, J.J. 2013. Fossilized Lightning! Geo News 40(2):10-11.
Person, J.J. 2013. Why do we collect? Geo News 40(1):19-21.
Stidham, T.A., J.W. Hoganson, and J.J. Person. 2012. New middle Paleocene (Tiffanian NALMA) birds from North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (Program and Abstracts):179.
Stidham, T.A., J.W. Hoganson, and J.J. Person. 2012. New middle Paleocene (Tiffanian NALMA) birds from North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Poster.
Person, J.J. 2012. Saber Teeth. Geo News 39(2):13-16.
Person, J.J. 2012. Folklore of fossils. Geo News 39(1):22-25.
Person, J.J. 2012. National Fossil Day. Geo News 39(1):21.
Hoganson, J.W., J.J. Person and B. Gould. 2011. Paleontology of the Medora site (Paleocene: Sentinel Butte Formation), Billings County, North Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (Program and Abstracts):127.
Hoganson, J.W. and J.J. Person. 2011. Tooth puncture marks on a 30 million year old Dinictis skull. Geo News 38(2):12-17.
Person, J.J. 2011. Kickoff to Summer Reading Day, 2011. Geo News 38(2):7.
Hoganson, J.W., J.J. Person, and B. Gould. 2011. Paleontology of the Medora Public Fossil Dig Site (Paleocene: Sentinel Butte Formation), Billings County, North Dakota. Geo News 38(1):17-20.
Hoganson, J.W. and J.J. Person. 2010. Tooth Puncture Marks On A Skull Of Dinictis (Nimravidae) From The Oligocene Brule Formation Of North Dakota Attributed To Predation By Hyaenodon (Hyaenodontidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30 (Program and Abstracts):106A.
Hoganson, J.W. and J.J. Person. 2010. Tooth Puncture Marks On A Skull Of Dinictis (Nimravidae) From The Oligocene Brule Formation Of North Dakota Attributed To Predation By Hyaenodon (Hyaenodontidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30, Poster.
Hoganson, J.W., B. Woodward, and J.J. Person. 2010. Prehistoric Life of North Dakota. North Dakota Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Map 40.
Hoganson, J.W. and J.J. Person. 2010. National Geographic Channel Prehistoric Predators Episode. Geo News 37(1):22.
Person, J.J. 2010. The North Dakota State Fossil Collection 20 Years: A Retrospective. Geo News 37(1):13-16.
Case, J.A., R.W. Meredith, and J. Person. 2009. A pre-Neogene phalangerid possum from South Australia. in L. B. Albright III (ed.), Papers on geology, vertebrate paleontology, and biostratigraphy in honor of Michael O. Woodburne. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 65:659-675.
Case, J.A., R.W. Meredith, and J. Person. 2008. A pre-Neogene phalangerid possum from South Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28 (Supplement to Number 3):62A.
Person, J., C. Baker. 2007. Methods for labeling silicone molds. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27 (Supplement to Number 3):129A.
Person, J. 2004. A powerful tool for phylogenetic searching and hierarchical organizing. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24 (Supplement to Number 3):101A.
Person, J. 2003. Postcranial analysis and functional morphology of late Hemphillian Carnivora from north central Oregon. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 (Supplement to Number 3):87A.
Public Outreach & Available Presentations
- Geology and Paleontology of North Dakota
- Exhibits in Time Lapse
- The Rise of Mammals
- Evolution of a fossil: From death to exhibition