Records | Data Request Form
- Fill out this General Request Form for all records
- Submit records requests and questions to
North Dakota Open Record Request Law
Anyone has the right to access and obtain copies of a public entity’s records, regardless of where they live.
A request must reasonably identify specific records. The request can be made by any available medium - such as phone, email, mail, or in person, and does not have to be in writing.
- A request for information is not a request for a record.
When a public entity receives a request for records, it must respond within a reasonable time, either by providing the records or by citing the legal authority for denying the request.
- What is “reasonable” depends on many factors, including the amount and type of records you requested.
If denied, the entity must put a denial in writing. A public entity can charge for providing records and may require payment of any estimated charges before fulfilling an open record request.
Find more detailed information in the Open Records Guide.
Record Request Tips
- Fill out the form with as much information as possible; while not required by law, it will help expedite your request and lower costs.
- Be as specific as possible, for example:
- Well Name
- File Number
- County, Township, Range, Section, and lat/long coordinates (Use ND GIS Hub)
- Limit the time interval of your request by specifying a start and end date
- Ask for information only in electronic format
Interested parties may review files in person at our offices during normal working hours, 8-5 M-F.
Applicable Charges
The following charges may be applied to a request and billed before records being released.
Services | Cost | Per |
Copies | 25¢ | Page/Side |
Locating Records | $25 | Hour for Staff, 1st hour free. |
Excising confidential or closed material | $25 | Hour for Staff, 1st hour free. |
Other | TBD | For other cost incurred during the records request. |
To reduce costs:
Not all files and databases contain or are searchable by geospatial data, especially older records, so information about current and former site ownership, facility name, and property use is necessary to perform a complete search. The longer it takes us to fill a request, the more expensive it is for the requester.
Record Retention
Record retention schedules determine which records must be retained and for how long. The public entity sets these schedules. Record retention is not subject to review under the open records laws.
- More information about state agency record retention policies can be found in ND Information Technology Department's Record Management Program.
- For information about political subdivision record retention schedules, contact the public entity directly.