A story on the use of shallow natural gas from the area around Edgeley, North Dakota (from Hard, 1920)
“One of the first to use gas was Mr. Sturgeon who was permitted to tap the town well water main. The home and store were lighted, the cooking done, and a heating range operated for a few years. When a town settling tank was installed, this supply was diverted and used by the town electric lighting company until the faultily constructed tank was exploded by an inquisitive traveling man testing its escape thru a hole with a match! The tank was not replaced.”
Another story from the Edgeley area (from Hard, 1920)
“In 1906 Miss Soby installed a lighting system in the Northern Hotel. Fifteen lights and a heater were maintained for two years. The type of gas storage tank, used at this location and elsewhere, was an inverted cylinder of sheet iron about 15 feet in diameter. The well pipe conducted the water directly underneath the inner tank where the gas escaped from the water and was caught. Once the tank was filled, surplus gas would readily escape. The top of the tank was sufficiently weighted to produce the requisite pressure to force the gas into the house…”
Field Screenings for Shallow Gas
GI-126 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Dickey County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-125 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Pembina County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-124 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Walsh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-122 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Grand Forks County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-121 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Cavalier County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-120 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Ramsey County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-119 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Nelson County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-118 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Foster County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-117 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Eddy County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-115 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Williams County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-113 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in McKenzie County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-111 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Wells County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., Christensen, A.R., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-110 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Cass County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2010. |
GI-109 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in McIntosh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-108 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Divide County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Christensen, A.R., 2010. |
GI-107 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Sargent County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2010. |
GI-106 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Hettinger County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-105 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Grant County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-104 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Burke County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Christensen, A.R., 2010. |
GI-103 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Mountrail County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Christensen, A.R., 2010. |
GI-102 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Adams County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-101 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Bowman County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-100 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in McLean County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Christensen, A.R., 2010. |
GI-99 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Golden Valley County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-98 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Richland County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2010. |
GI-97 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Slope County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2010. |
GI-96 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Billings County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-95 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Dunn County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2010. |
GI-91 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Ransom County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2010. |
GI-90 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Stark County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Ries, A.J., 2009. |
GI-89 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Oliver County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2009. |
GI-88 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Traill County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.N., 2009. |
GI-84 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Mercer County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Gudmunsen, C.B., 2009. |
GI-82 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Griggs County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Hall, B.H., 2009. |
GI-68 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Benson County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-67 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Logan County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-66 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Sheridan County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-60 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Selected Wells in Burleigh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-57 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Pierce County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-56 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in LaMoure County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-55 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Morton County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-54 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Barnes County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-53 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Kidder County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-52 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in McHenry County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-51 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Ward County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-50 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Burleigh County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-36 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Towner County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-35 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Rolette County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-34 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in Stutsman County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-30 | Shallow Gas Field Screening in Southeastern Steele County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-29 | Shallow Gas Field Screening in Emmons County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
Mohall | Shallow Gas Field Screening: Mohall 100k Sheet: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
Bottineau | Shallow Gas Field Screening: Bottineau 100k Sheet: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
Selected Resources for Shallow Gas
RI-106 | Reference Logs for Cretaceous Formations in North Dakota, LeFever, Richard, D., 2007. |
RI-107 | Preliminary Cross-Sections of Cretaceous Strata in North Dakota, LeFever, Richard, D., and LeFever, Julie, A., 2007. |
MM-41 | Index Map of Ground-Water Well Locations in North Dakota Investigated for Shallow Natural Gas Occurrence, Anderson, F.J., 2015. |
GI-183 | Geochemical Characterization of Natural Gas Occurrences in Selected Ground-Water Wells in North Dakota, Anderson, F.J., 2015. |
GI-143 | Niobrara Formation Cores in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2011. |
GI-135 | Geochemical Indicators of Shallow Gas in Groundwater in North Dakota, by Anderson, F.J., 2011. |
GI-131 | Shallow Gas Field Screening in North Dakota: Field Data Report (2009 & 2010) for Selected Counties: by Anderson, F.J., Gudmunsen, C.B., Hall, B.N., Ries, A.J., Christensen, A.R., Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-128 | Locations of FID Shallow Gas Occurrences in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., Gudmunsen, C.B., Hall, B.N., Ries, A.J., Christensen, A.R., and Bubach, B.J., 2010. |
GI-116 | Evidence for Potential CH4 Sourcing and Methanogenesis in Late Cretaceous Shales along the Eastern Flank of the Williston Basin in North Dakota: by Fred J. Anderson, 2010. |
GI-92 | Shallow Gas Geochemical Exploration Indicators in Ground-Water Wells in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2010. |
GI-87 | Methane Occurrence in Glacial Buried-Valley Aquifer Systems in North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, 2009. |
GI-86 | Exploration for Shallow Natural Gas in North Dakota by FID Field Screening of Ground-Water Wells, by Fred J. Anderson, Brian, N. Hall, Cassie B. Gudmunsen, Adam J. Ries, and Allison R. Christensen, 2009. |
GI-83 | Potential Shallow Gas Sands & Gravels - Griggs & Steele Counties, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2009. |
GI-73 | Locations of FID Shallow Gas Occurrences in Selected Counties in North Dakota: by Anderson, F. J., 2008. |
GI-72 | Shallow Gas Exploration and Production in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-58 | Historical Shallow Natural Gas Occurrences in Cretaceous and Tertiary Aquifer in West-Central North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2008. |
GI-47 | Preliminary Isopach Map on the Cretaceous Mowry – Inyan Kara Formation Interval in North Dakota: by Anderson, Fred J. and Juenker, Bruce, J., 2007. |
GI-44 | Preliminary Isopach Map on the Cretaceous Greenhorn-Mowry Formation Interval in North Dakota: by Anderson, Fred J. and Juenker, Bruce, J., 2007. |
GI-42 | Field Screening for Shallow Gas in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2007. |
GI-38 | Preliminary Structure Contour Map on the Creataceous Inyan Kara Formation in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Juenker, B.J., 2006. |
GI-37 | Preliminary Structure Contour Map on Top of the Creataceous Mowry Formation in North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., and Juenker, B.J., 2006. |
GI-33 | History, Geology, and Potential Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Natural Gas Occurrence and Production from Quaternary Glacial Drift and Upper-Cretaceous Sedimentary Bedrock in North-Central North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., Shurr, G.W, and Fischer, D.W., 2006. |
GI-32 | Assessment of the Shallow Natural Gas Resource Potential of North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-31 | Preliminary Structure Contour Map on the Cretaceous Greenhorn Formation in North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson and Bruce J. Juenker, 2007. |
GI-28 | Historical Shallow Natural Gas Occurrences in Wells in Bottineau County, North Dakota: by Anderson, F.J., 2006. |
GI-26 | Assessment Of Potential Shallow Natural Gas Resources In North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson and Bruce J. Juenker, 2006. |
GI-25 | Shallow Natural Gas Occurrences In Quaternary Deposits In North Dakota, by Fred J. Anderson, Edward C. Murphy, John P. Bluemle, and David W. Fischer, 2006. |