Monday, November 21, 2022 - 11:00pm Categories:
Department of Mineral Resources

The Commission encourages testimony from all stakeholders in case number 29704, scheduled to be heard after 9:00 am CST on December 14th, 2022. The case involves consideration of returning certain confiscated wells to the operator of record prior to confiscation. Stakeholders that are encouraged to provide testimony include, but are not limited to, the operator of record prior to confiscation, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, Medora, and McKenzie Grazing Associations, private mineral owners, and private surface owners. Questions related to providing testimony can be directed to the Department of Mineral Resources staff member Sara Forsberg 701-328-8038. The list of wells previously confiscated by the Commission that is being considered is in the following table.

Wells Under Consideration to be returned to prior operator

Wells Under Construction To Be Returned to Prior Operator