
The Geological Survey publishes maps and reports on the mineralogical, paleontological, and geochemical resources of North Dakota, including oil and gas, coal, uranium, clay, sand and gravel, volcanic ash, potash and other salts, etc. In addition to the mapping of subsurface resources, the Survey is actively mapping the surface geology throughout the state with an emphasis on urban areas and the identification of geohazards such as landslides.

Survey publications support the regulatory programs of the Industrial Commission, as well as other state and federal agencies, and assist mineral companies, geotechnical consulting firms, city and county governments, landowners, and citizens of the state.


Browse over 4,000 NDGS reports, maps, newsletter articles, etc. Refine your search by year, title topic, author, or series.

Geo Publication
Year Title Author(s) Series Download Data

The Geology of the Flora Quadrangle, 35 p., 2 pl. (1:62,500).

Branch, J.R. B-22

Part I - The Keene Dome, Northeast McKenzie County, North Dakota, by Nevin, C., (Repr. 1951), 11 p., 1 pl. (1:125,000). Part II - The Subsurface Stratigraphy of the Nesson Anticline, by Laird, W.M., (Repr. 1951), 14 p. *Out of print.

Nevin, C., and Laird, W.M. B-21

A Reconnaissance of Possible Well Irrigation Areas, 6p. Discusses 15 areas in southeastern North Dakota.

Rasmussen, W.C. B-20

The Geology and Ground Water Resources of the Emerado Quadrangle, (Repr. 1959), 35 p., 3 pl. (1:62,500).

Laird, W.M. B-17

The Stratigraphy and Structure of North Dakota, (Repr. from National Oil Scouts and Landmen's Association Yearbook, v. 14, p. 420-430).

Laird, W.M. B-18

Heavy Mineral Correlation of the Fox Hills, Hell Creek, and Cannonball Sediments, Morton and Sioux Counties, North Dakota, (Repr. from Jour. of Sed. Petrology, v.14, no. 3, p. 131-143).

Lindberg, M.L. B-19

The Manganese Deposits of the Turtle Mountains, North Dakota, (Repr. from Econ. Geology, v. 38, no. 7, p. 591-602). *Out of print.

Hendricks, T.A., and Laird, W.M. B-15

The Geology of the Turtle River State Park, (Repr. 1959), (Repr. from North Dakota Historical Quarterly, v. 10, no. 4, p. 245-261).

Laird, W.M. B-16

The Geology of the Southern Part of Morton County, North Dakota, (Repr. 1958), 42 p., 3 pl. (1:125,000). *Out of print.

Laird, W.M., and Mitchell, R.H. B-14

Selected Deep Well Records, 31 p.

Compiled by Laird, W.M. B-12

The Geology of the Heart Butte Quadrangle, 32 p., 1 pl. (1:62,500).

Tisdale, E.E. B-13

Instructions for Recorders in Well Survey of North Dakota

Voedisch, F.W. C-4

The Municipal Ground Water Supplies of North Dakota, (Repr. 1959), 100 p., 2 pl.

Abbott, G.A., and Voedisch, F.W. B-11

Instructions for Observers of Municipal Wells

Voedisch, F.W. C-2

Maps and Graphs Prepared for the Water Resources Committee North Dakota State Planning Board

Voedisch, F.W. C-3

The Fluoride Content of North Dakota Ground Waters as Related to the Occurrence and Distribution of Mottled Enamel, (Repr. 1959), 16p.

Abbott, G.A. B-9

Change in Ground Water Levels in North Dakota, 24 p.

Simpson, H.E. B-10

Instructions for Well Gage Observers in North Dakota

Voedisch, F.W. C-1

The Artesian Waters of North Dakota, 47 p., 2 pl. (Artesian Water Papers No. 6 and No. 7; includes the Fifth and Sixth Biennial Reports of the State Water Geologist.) *Out of print.

Simpson, H.E. B-8

The Ground Waters of North Dakota, 26 p. (Artesian Water Paper No. 5; includes the Fourth Biennial Report of the State Water Geologist.)

Simpson, H.E. B-7

AS - Atlas Series
B - Bulletin
BR - Biennial Report
C - Well Circulars
CL - County Landslides
ED - Education Series
FS - Field Studies

GI- Geologic Investigation
GN - Geo News Newsletter
GT - Geothermal Map
L24 - Landslide Map (24K)
LiD24 - LiDAR Map (24K)
LiD - LiDAR Map (100K)
LSI - Landfill Site Investigation
MM - Miscellaneous Map

MRM - Mineral Resource Map
MS - Miscellaneous Series
NDN - North Dakota Notes
OF - Open-File Report
RI - Report of Investigation
SG - Surface Geology Map
SP - Special Publication


*Out-of-print publications are no longer available for purchase but may be available for free download (PDF, etc.). NDGS publications are also available in many university, public, and state libraries, and at other state geological surveys.


How To Order NDGS Publications

Publications may be purchased by mail, email, or in person at the NDGS office. Shipping charges WILL apply. All orders must be prepaid. (Please have your Visa or MasterCard number handy, if ordering by credit card.) Include publication title, number, quantity desired, and cost, along with a return address and phone number. In addition to credit cards, cash or checks (payable to the North Dakota Geological Survey) are also accepted.

Mailing Address:
Publications Clerk
North Dakota Geological Survey
600 East Boulevard Avenue - Dept 474
Bismarck, ND 58505-0614
Email the Publications Clerk

Telephone: (701) 328-8000

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