
The Geological Survey publishes maps and reports on North Dakota's mineralogical, paleontological, and geochemical resources, including oil and gas, coal (lignite), uranium, clay, sand and gravel, volcanic ash, potash, and other salts. In addition to mapping subsurface resources, the Survey actively maps the surface geology throughout the state, emphasizing urban areas and identifying geohazards such as landslides.

Survey publications support the regulatory programs of the Industrial Commission and other state and federal agencies. The publications also assist mineral companies, geotechnical consulting firms, city and county governments, landowners, and the citizens of North Dakota.


Browse over 4,680 NDGS reports, maps, newsletter articles, etc. Refine your search by year, title topic, author, or series.

Geo Publication
Year Title Author(s) Series Download Data

Flooding in the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks North Dakota and Minnesota Area, 70 p., 2 maps (approx. 1:27,500). It includes a history of flooding in the two-city area, provides an overall analysis of the flood problems in Grand Forks, and includes recommendations for dealing with future floods. ($5).

LeFever, J.A., Bluemle, J.P., and Waldkirch, R.P. ED-25

Surface Geology, Mandan Quadrangle, North Dakota, 1:24,000

Murphy, E.C. SG-Mndn

The Major Coals of Bowman, Slope, Adams and Hettinger Counties, North Dakota, 55 p., ($5).

Murphy, E.C., Kruger, N.W., and Goven, G.E. OF-99-1

Physiographic Regions of North Dakota, Map measures 8.5" by 11". ($1).

Waldkirch, R.P. MM-33

Geo News - Summer 1998


Geo News - Spring 1998


From the State Geologist: The Language of Geologists

Bluemle, J.P. GN-98-12

From the State Geologist: Sixth International Williston Basin Horizontal Workshop is a Success"

Bluemle, J.P. GN-98-7

From the State Geologist: "Geo-Literacy" and Geologic Maps

Bluemle, J.P. GN-98-3

1998 Earth Science Fair

Fritz, A.M.K. GN-98-12

ND Non-Fuel Minerals Summary 1997

Fritz, A.M.K. GN-98-7

North Dakota Clay

Fritz, A.M.K. GN-98-3

Earthquake in Hague?

Fritz, A.M.K. GN-98-3

Oil Exploration and Development in the North Dakota Williston Basin: 1996-1997 Update, 27 p. A non-technical report on the history of production, economic impacts, and regulatory trends, emphasizing activity during 1996 and 1997. ($3).

Heck, T.J. MS-85

Paul Broste Rock Museum Reopens

Hoganson, J.W. GN-98-12

The Selling of Tyrannosaurus rex Named "Sue": Its Effect on North Dakota's Fossil Resource Management Program

Hoganson, J.W. GN-98-7

North Dakota Fossils Exhibited at the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Hoganson, J.W. GN-98-3

Geologic Road Guide - Lewis & Clark Trail

Hoganson, J.W., and Murphy, E.C. GN-98-12

Geologic Projects in North Dakota - 1998

Johnson, L. GN-98-12

The Coteau Lignite Bed in North-Central North Dakota, 11 p., ($2).

Murphy, E.C. OF-98-2

AS - Atlas Series
B - Bulletin
BR - Biennial Report
C - Well Circulars
CL - County Landslides
ED - Education Series
FS - Field Studies
GI- Geologic Investigation

GN - Geo News Newsletter
GT - Geothermal Map
L24 - Landslide Map (24K)
LiD24 - LiDAR Map (24K)
LiD - LiDAR Map (100K)
LR - Lignite Reserves
LSI - Landfill Site Investigation
MM - Miscellaneous Map

MRM - Mineral Resource Map
MS - Miscellaneous Series
NDN - North Dakota Notes
OF - Open-File Report
RI - Report of Investigation
SG - Surface Geology Map
SP - Special Publication
VA - Volcanic Ash


*Out-of-print publications are no longer available for purchase but may be available for free download (PDF, etc.). NDGS publications are also available in many university, public, and state libraries, and at other state geological surveys.


How To Order NDGS Publications

Publications may be purchased by phone, in person at the NDGS office or email. Shipping charges WILL apply. All orders must be prepaid. (Please have your Visa or MasterCard number handy, if ordering by credit card.) Include publication title, number, quantity desired, and cost, along with a return address and phone number. In addition to credit cards, cash or checks (payable to the North Dakota Geological Survey) are also accepted.

Mailing Address:
Publications Clerk
North Dakota Geological Survey
600 East Boulevard Avenue - Dept 474
Bismarck, ND 58505-0614
Email the Publications Clerk

Telephone: (701) 328-8000

Click Here to Order Online